Read Scenario, respond to questions using template, attachments and tips below.

Read Scenario, respond to questions using template, attachments and tips below.

Read Scenario, respond to questions using template, attachments and tips below.
• Please read the short scenario provided in the task.
• The template will help to keep you organized and ensure that you have responded to each of the parts of the will help the evaluators when they review your paper to see that all required sections are present. • Also, it is suggested that each response be at least a paragraph, anywhere from four to six sentences. You will only need to write responses for parts A, B and C. • Part D is a check point to ensure that you have included in-text citations for any direct quotes, and that you’ve added proper references to support those. Note that if you have not added any in-text citations, you do not need to include a reference list. • Responses should: defining, support, explaining. Define is demonstrating that we understand the terminology, support is tying and support from the course material or the scenario for task two. And lastly, explaining the prompt further. Think of each of these parts as a sentence or two. • First, we begin with Part A, your core values. Now, these are personal, so you won’t necessarily see these listed in the course material. Examples include respect, honesty, loyalty, fairness, accountability and so on. Define what the core value is, then support it with how this core value is beneficial to you and then further your explanation as to why this core value is important in your personal life or work life, or rather how it’s personally meaningful to you. Remember that each core value is suggested to be a paragraph for each. • Next, in Part B, we are going to explain whether our core values align or misalign with the company from the scenario. First, we will define the core value again. Repeating it a little bit from part A is okay, then we’ll define whether the core value aligns or misaligns with the company from the scenario. You should directly state, For example, expanding it to global markets or even creating diverse working groups. Think of some ways that the company can engage with various cultures to develop their cultural intelligence. • Then you can provide some support on how they can achieve this improvement, provide some examples from the scenario to support your answers. And lastly, why is this improvement important to the company as they build their cultural intelligence? • In part C2, we will be defining a potential challenge the company may face now that they are building their cultural intelligence. So if we said that an opportunity to develop the company’s cultural intelligence is by expanding into global markets, a challenge that may arise is language barriers or lack of understanding of cultural differences. The challenge should be related to diversity and not a general business challenge. After you have defined the potential diversity challenge, explain why this is a challenge. And lastly, explaining how the company can overcome this challenge. What action can the company take to overcome the challenge? • In part C3, we will choose one of Hofstede’s Six Dimensions of Culture, and explain how this dimension will help with respectful communication in the diverse work culture of the company from the scenario. So choose one dimension and define it. What does the dimension mean? Then support and explain how this dimension will help with respectful communication in the company now that they have this diverse work culture. How can this dimension help them communicate more effectively? It is suggested to use the words respectful communication in your response. • A few reminders before you submit your paper for an attempt, it is recommended that you use Grammarly for a review of your paper. Tips and support from the Writing Center on how to use Grammarly is located at the end of the template. Also, we strongly encourage you to personally proofread your final draft before submitting for an attempt. You don’t want to waste an attempt by having your paper sent back for minor revisions such as punctuation, grammar, run-on sentences. • Remove the template wording and just keep the numbering and lettering framework to help lower the score.