When you think about the word power, what comes to mind? For many people, the wo

When you think about the word power, what comes to mind? For many people, the wo

When you think about the word power, what comes to mind? For many people, the word often has negative connotations and is associated with words like control, dominance, and authority. Although we have many examples to justify these associations of leaders who have used power unethically and immorally, power is actually used every day by organizations and leaders to get things done. Therefore, it is important to consider how power is acquired, when to use it, and its potential impacts. The concepts of power and leadership are closely linked. Power can be considered as the ability to influence others (Northouse, 2020). Power is used by leaders to attain group goals, and if you have knowledge about the operation of power in an organization, it enhances your capacity to be an effective leader. In this assignment, you will consider what power means to you, what the term coercion conveys, and how you have observed someone in a leadership capacity using position, personal, or coercion power effectively or ineffectively. Instructions 1.What does the term power convey to you and how does your view of power relate to the way it is explained in the text? 2.Distinguish between position power and personal power. 3.Define coercion as a specific type of power. 4.Provide an example of a leader you have observed using position, personal, and/or coercion power. 5.Discuss how effective or ineffective this application of power was for this leader. Citations are required including in-text referencing followed by a reference list of three to five scholarly references in APA Style. The writing must be in your own words. This writing assignment should be at least 3 (750+words) using 12-point Times New Roman and 1-inch margins. Citations/references should not be included in the page/word count.