I am not sure if you all remember the Volkswagen crisis, but it was huge.  A lot

I am not sure if you all remember the Volkswagen crisis, but it was huge.  A lot

I am not sure if you all remember the Volkswagen crisis, but it was huge.  A lot of the discussion indicated a lot of the problems/issues could have been caught, however, they weren’t due to many reasons.  Based on the knowledge, methods, and ideas you have learned this semester, discuss some of the project management changes you would have made internally and externally that might have changed the outcome of the crisis, especially when you consider every product had to have been a project.  Be detailed and specific.  Use outside resources and other news facts to contradict or support the articles and news reports, especially if there is more recent information to help support your decisions.  Remember, leadership is also a big component in the effort to avoid or minimize a crisis.  Communications (written, oratory, digital, etc…) also play a crucial role.  Stakeholder expectations in a crisis seem to be an issue when you consider shareholders and customers.  There are many more items of concern that seem to be wrong with Volkswagen, so you will have plenty to discuss. I also want you to make suggestions to the CEO about what you think should be changed, added, reworked, or created to prevent this type of crisis from happening again.  Keep in mind as Project Managers we see a lot and have a considerable amount of influence.  Just remember to back up your opinions/assertions with facts.  Lastly, APA is important too. 
Your submission should be in the range of 7 pages not including the first page and the reference page.