There are many applications of personality assessments in life, specifically in

There are many applications of personality assessments in life, specifically in

There are many applications of personality assessments in life, specifically in the workplace. Personality assessments can provide details about how employees tend to view certain situations, how they may approach specific tasks, and their preference for communication style. There are various personality assessments in line with some of the theories you read.
Imagine you have been asked to determine a theoretical approach to assessing the personality of employees at your organization. You must create a presentation for your human resources department to (1) explain the theory you are recommending and (2) explain how it could be used.
Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation. This includes 8–10 content slides, a title slide, and a reference slide. Each slide should have 50–100 words in the presenter’s notes to explain the slide.
Pick a theory from this week’s readings (Allport, Eysenck, or Costa & McCrae).
What are the main concepts of this theory?
What makes it unique?
Is there an assessment related to the theory you would use?
How would this theory apply in the work situation?
What would it help your company learn or do?
Use at least 2 sources, your textbook and one credible source, from the University Library.