Your research paper will be a 1200-1500 word researched paper describing and reflecting on the purpose and the effectiveness of an adaptation of a storytelling work from one form or culture to another. Examples of an adaptation include:
Changing a storytelling form (book to movie; movie to musical; book to graphic novel; book to “young reader’s edition”, movie to TV series, song to movie, video game to movie, movie to video game, etc.)
Transplanting a story from its original time period to another time period or location (updating Shakespeare like 10 Things I Hate about You, West Side Story, Immortal Longings; there are a LOT of versions of Pride and Prejudice or Cinderella. Look internationally and at Science-Fiction & Fantasy for things that are off the beaten path; remember this can be book-to-book like King Lear to A Thousand Acres or movie to movie like A Start is Born (1954, 1976, 2018) or tv show to tv show like Battlestar Galactica (1978, 2004).
Changing the viewpoint character of a story (for example, Wicked, Grendal, or the Villains films from Disney
For this paper, you will be explaining/describing some aspects:
What is the original?what is the story and where did it come from?
why was the original significant?
What is the adaptation?how does it differ from the original?
why remake this?
why is the adaptation significant*?
What does the audience learn from experiencing the original and adapted version of the story?
Why did the creators of the adaptation decide to retell this story?
How have critics and audiences responded to the adaptation? Why? Do you agree with their responses?
What is my purpose in writing about this adaptation?Am I explaining how this adaptation shows a change? Am I explaining how it shows a universal theme or idea?
Am I exploring how different art forms work to tell a creative story?
Am I exploring how the mechanics of storytelling have changed and the impact on story told?
The paper must be at least 1200 words in length double-spaced, no blank lines or additional spaces in paragraphs (including Works Cited)
The paper must present a clear, unified point with a variety of support.
YOUR PAPER MUST CONTAIN TWO PICTURES TIED TO SPECIFIC THINGS IN THE TEXT; clear and meaningful captions and citation for pictures is required (Book covers are fine)
The writer’s voice must be dominant in the paper (however, avoid the “you” and write with the “I” only when describing personal experiences).
The paper should avoid “paper talk” (i.e., “In this paper I will . . .” or “Now I will look at another case to see the other side” or “one of the articles I looked at”).
The paper will use MLA documentation
The paper topic must be something you want to spend several weeks with! Think about this carefully – this could be your last chance to write about something just because you want to know more about it.
Papers that do not cite and use at least two sources from the JCCC databases will not be eligible for a grade above a C.
The materials you are writing about will be included in your Works Cited but will not count as the JCCC database sources.
At least two sources must be from 2020 or later.
Students should use a balance of sources – not only in terms of balancing books and other media, but also in balancing sources with liberal or conservative points of view with other sources.
You must use a minimum of 5 sources (see JCCC database requirement above).
General encyclopedias (paper or electronic) should not be used as sources in a college paper. This includes Wikipedia & Encyclopedia Brittanica—do not use it!
Students should be able to produce sources upon request but won’t need to turn them in.
Why is this adaptation worthy of study?
Who has or should have the greatest interest in this adaptation?
How have ideas about this subject or the subject itself changed over time?
Why do/did people disagree about this adaptation (remember, in your paper, you can take sides, but you must explain all academically-sound sides respectfully)
What are the key terms someone must know to understand the scholarly literature on this subject (i.e., what is “communication,” what is “discrimination,” what is “Latin music”)?
One of the dangers of this assignment is that you are doing to produce a list rather than a cohesive paper.
A list would be just give details
A cohesive paper selects details and REFLECTS on the to support a point
List on differences between book Little Women and the 2019 movie:
The timeline is non linear
Jo is wilder
Jo is more of a main character
Amy gets more time
Meg is less the perfect wife than in other movies (with more conflicts from the book)
Beth is still shy, sweet, family-oriented, doomed
Marmee is still seen as more aspirational than real.
The movie contains inserted conversations between Jo and publisher
This is not a paper — this is a bunch of stray thoughts that need to be formed into a cohesive paper with a strong thesis. Contrary to what you might think, the thesis should come from what you discover — if you come up with your thesis first then search for opinions that agree with yours, that is confirmation bias.
How can I think about the thesis:
Your thesis can revolve around storytelling techniques:The adaptation fails (or bring fresh understanding) by playing with the POV
The adaptation brings fresh undertanding (or maybe fails) because of the treatment of timeWhat/who is cut? Added?
How is time manipulated?
The adaptation fails (or brings fresh understanding) by changing the characterizations.
The adaptation fails (or brings fresh undertanding) through its depiction of the storyworld.
Your thesis can revolve around the use of a time period shift (taking a 19th century folktale and putting it in 2023)Your thesis can revolve around the impact of changing the location
Your thesis can revolve around the impact of changing gender or cultural expectations
Your thesis can revolve around the impact of changing the conflict to be suitable to modern times.
Your thesis can revolve around changes in attitudes toward a group of people
Greta Gerwig’s 2019 film Little Women uses the vocabulary of film to lead the viewer through a classic story with a new perspective.
Greta Gerwig’s 2019 film Little Women portrays the many worlds women navigate — family, romance, and work — telling a story of four 19th-century sisters with 21st century choices to make.
Greta Gerwig’s 2019 Little Women reflects on the roles of women — both the restrictions they impose and the creative ways those restrictions have always been subverted.
Any of these three would lead to an interesting paper — not all of them would use the same details and all of them would be organized in different ways. Next Thursday, we talk about how the organize to support the thesis.