Please Read the case study ACD, and its financial performance then Submit a writ

Please Read the case study ACD, and its financial performance then Submit a writ

Please Read the case study ACD, and its financial performance then Submit a writeup that supports your decision about the issue faced by the protagonist in cases.
Please limit your paper to TWO pages of single space text in 11-point font, all inclusive of appendices and calculations, if appropriate.
No outside research is needed to analyze the
For the ACD Case writeup (Assignment 1): Describe the core opportunity, highlight the value proposition/opportunity and their accomplishments. You don’t need to write it as a question and answer, instead it should be a free-flowing paragraph that addresses these “meta-level” issues.
Then dive right in! Following the introductory paragraph, directly address the questions provided for the ACD case assignment, namely, make nice headers for them, the questions need critical anaylis.
Is this distribution business viable in the long term?
How could ACD become a formidable player in the industry?
Should he expand into a west coast location to capture
new customers?
Where could he find the money needed to finance this growth?
you can address the questions raised in the case abstract itself, you can detail your analyses for the
problems raised in detail, and also provide potential solutions that you would recommend.
Most importantly the answers you give should include evidence from their financials, I have attached two excels. Analyze them and use them in anaylzing your answers (for example since the x is high ACD can do Y…) you can upload screenshots from the excels for the appendix. My recommendation is use the Sample Proforma to change the numbers and make a graph comparison. This is a very important paper so critival thinking is important. Please make it look very proffesional. If you have extra appendixes you can attach it.