ive already written the intro paragraoh and have sided with is google making us

ive already written the intro paragraoh and have sided with is google making us

ive already written the intro paragraoh and have sided with is google making us stupid for the next paragraphs i need to compare and contrast the ethos in 1 paragrpah in both articles and why i feel its better in the is google making us stupid article, and the next paragraph should do the same for pathos where we find it in both articles and why its better in the google article and the third paragraph is the same logos in both articles and why ive chosen googles article, then the summary it ashould be in 5 paragraph essay model with citations
Have quotes in each paragraph or point to specific details from the text. Always show your reader; it’s not enough just to tell your reader. Remember to introduce and cite these quotes correctly.
Provide analysis for these quotes. Remember that this is your paper so don’t let someone else’s voice dominate the discussion. Analysis answers questions like how and why. Following a quote, provide a few sentences of interpretation in which you convey the meaning of the quote in your own words and then a few more sentences that connect the content of the quote to your thesis. Think to yourself: Why am I using this specific quote? What does it have to do with this paragraph? What does it have to do with the thesis?
Restate your thesis at the beginning of your conclusion paragraph and provide some closure to your essay by restating your strongest point or by sharing a narrative example from your own life which also helps to lend credibility to your thesis statement.
below is the intro paragraph use this then write the remainder
In “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” Nicholas Carr explores the detrimental effects of excessive internet use on our cognitive functions, utilising a compelling mix of ethos, pathos, and logos. On the other hand, Arthur C. Brooks’ “How to Want Less” delves into the nature of satisfaction, merging personal experiences with scientific research. While Brooks provides insightful philosophical perspectives, Carr’s argument resonates more in our digital era. Carr effectively combines expert opinions, personal narratives, and rational arguments to address a widespread concern: how our increasing reliance on technology might affect our intellectual abilities.