Reflection Report 2 – Learning Objective Self-Assessment In this assignment, you

Reflection Report 2 – Learning Objective Self-Assessment
In this assignment, you

Reflection Report 2 – Learning Objective Self-Assessment
In this assignment, you will reflect on your progress in each of the 4 learning objectives from the Sergeants School, and how these objectives apply to your current job duties.
Post your reflection below in the “reply” section of this discussion forum.
The examples provided are only examples – Do not allow them to limit your reflection.
300 words minimum required (20 points) – you can view your word count in the lower right corner of your post.
You must format your reflection with 4 paragraphs, with each paragraph labeled with a header by the Sergeants School objective you are reflecting upon.
To edit your reflection post, click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner of your post
Reply to at least two of your colleagues’ posts and include your own insights and observations (100 words minimum for each classmate) to continue the conversation (5 points each).
RUBRIC: select the small 3 dots in the upper right corner of this assignment to review the grade rubric.
Monitor performance of organizational members or partners
Example Ideas:Select subordinate Marines to give a teach-back class on a lesson that aligns and ties to academics.
Assign a Marine to hold a formation and pass important word to the troops.
Develop a T&R tracking sheet to monitor the performance of Marines.
Provide and require mentoring sessions with goal-setting foundations for corporals and other Marines in leadership positions.
Review requirements and guidelines of T&R objectives in achieving the task.
Monitor weekly troop uniform inspections.
Review training/MOS Roadmap completion in respective MOS for your Marines.
Example Reflection: This past month has been slow when it came to our team’s academic achievements. While my partner was able to attend the Special Victims Counsel course, I was able to experience a hostage negotiation (HN) training event that tested our response time and our coordinated action to complete the life-like scenario. The HN training scenario was treated as realistic as possible, with everyone in our office being unaware it was a training event except for our highest leadership. Despite the hardships faced during the early morning hours until late afternoon, it proved extremely valuable as a learning experience as we responded to a live fire range (simulation rounds) and coordinated our plan of action with the Military Police, Special Reaction Team, and a Military Police K-9 unit. The benefit of this training was after each negotiation attempt, we could always reset and try a different tactic based on the previous outcome. From a direct-action breach to ending the negotiations peacefully, the experience gained was valuable to the well-being of Camp Pendleton.
Implement organizational process or policy changes
Example Ideas:Have subordinates read and understand the commander’s leadership philosophy and ensure you are preaching the highlights and living up to the policy within your platoon.
Review one of your unit’s standard operating procedures and ensure to follow those guidelines provided.
Develop shop SOP for your personalized work processes.
Review orders, SOP’s, and CGI checklists to implement the correct and most current processes with your designated job requirements.
Ensure MOS policies, Range SOPs, maintenance/equipment publications, etc. are put into effect.
Submit reports, emails, point papers, etc. highlighting deviations to policies and make recommendations of improvement. Example Reflection: Since the last reflection report, I have handled many narcotics. In doing so, I must judge from my training and common sense how I am going to seize the narcotic. Fentanyl is usually a powder and even the slightest breeze can cause accidental inhalation/skin absorption, leading to a fatal overdose. Without going into too much detail about our protocol, I will usually test the substance at play with one of our many presumptive testing equipment. My personal favorite is something called the First Defender. This piece of equipment shoots a laser at the substance and determines the chemical compound and makeup, and provides a result listing the makeup of the tested specimen. I was taught how to use the equipment while attending a course in Florida, the National Forensic Science Technology Center, where we tested just about every narcotic and basic explosive you can think of.
Determine resource needs
Example Ideas:Consider what are some requirements needed to assist in making your job easier? Ask yourself things like:What requirements are needed for physical fitness? For example, a pull-up bar.
Does having a dispatcher representative within your platoon help to expedite the trip ticket process for vehicles being issued out?
Do you know what specific resources you need to accomplish your billet requirements? Where can you find them?What is your T/O&E?
What is the process you need to go through to request your resources?
Are you working with lateral units? Are civilians involved?
Example Reflection: Currently, the way drugs are being handled is shifting. Law Enforcement is at an ever-growing risk from the fentanyl epidemic, and departments are coming across it at a cyclic rate. My partner and I have reached out to San Diego Law Enforcement Training Center and have been given a slot to attend the updated Fentanyl awareness course. There is no better place to learn than from a district that is so close to where the narcotics are being transported. Prepare and/or implement staff schedules or work assignments.
Example Ideas
Adhering to the published schedule.
Coordinating daily assignments for your subordinate Marines to complete.
Implementing or enforcing anything scheduled that come from your superiors.
Developing a task list for your Marines to follow daily. Recommend writing them down on a whiteboard and have them check them off when they complete.
Preparing/carrying out higher’s plan, planning for unclassified TEEP, gear list requirements, or supplies for mission/exercise.
Working with S-3 for yearly and quarterly schedules, go over the schedules with your subordinates once they are posted.Having meetings with superiors about recommendations for the quarterly schedule so items that are of concern can be addressed.
Example Reflection: I have reached out to every command on Camp Pendleton to coordinate the receipt of documentation and transportation of every Marine and Sailor who tests positive for a narcotic higher than marijuana. The scheduling of these individuals being brought down is planned a day in advance, but we have come across situations where we are pushing a week out. With my partner being out this last month, scheduling and coordinating with commands was left on my list, as well as getting all his and my cases turned in before their due date.