The peer review assignment can be accessed in your “to do” list. You are expecte

The peer review assignment can be accessed in your “to do” list. You are expecte

The peer review assignment can be accessed in your “to do” list. You are expected to (1) utilize the rubric to evaluate each student’s paper and (2) leave and submit evaluative comments. Essay Assignment Rubric
Ideas and Content
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5 to >4 pts
Exceptionally clear, focused, engaging, main ideas stand out, referenced chapter material, practically applied material to real world situation(s), makes a strong impression on reader4 to >3 pts
Clear, focused, interesting, main ideas stand out; application of chapter material is suitable to audience and purpose3 to >2 pts
Reader can follow, broad simplistic ideas; reference to chapter material is limited or not suitable to audience and purpose2 to >0 pts
Falls below college level writingPoints/ 5 pts
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5 to >4 pts
Demonstrates effective and balanced paragraphing using creative and engaging transitions with emphasis on conveying the relationship between ideas.4 to >3 pts
Demonstrates effective paragraphing using appropriate transitions with emphasis on conveying the relationship between ideas.3 to >2 pts
Demonstrates adequate paragraphing using some transitions that attempt to convey the relationship between ideas.2 to >0 pts
Falls below college level writingPoints/ 5 pts
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Sentence Fluency and Conventions
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5 to >4 pts
Uses correct varied sentences with few, if any, errors in mechanics and/or grammar; effective use of creative syntax4 to >3 pts
Uses correct varied sentences with minor errors in mechanics and/or grammar that do not impede reader’s understanding; employs some creative syntax3 to >2 pts
Uses correct varied sentences; errors in mechanics and/or grammar impede reading’s understanding2 to >0 pts
No Marks
Falls below college level writingPoints/ 5 pts
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APA Format
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5 to >4 pts
Includes: one-inch margins (all around); 12 pt. Times New Roman Font; correct heading, header, and title, double-spaced (with no extra spaces throughout), adheres to the one page limit4 to >3 pts
APA format followed with 1 error, is substantially more or less than required page length3 to >2 pts
APA format followed with 2 errors, is substantially more or less than required page length2 to >0 pts
Falls below college level writingPoints/ 5 pts
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Total Points: 0 out of 20