If you look under week 9, the signature assignment, you will see a topic and a r

If you look under week 9, the signature assignment, you will see a topic and a r

If you look under week 9, the signature assignment, you will see a topic and a resource, you choose a topic and click on the resource next to the topic. When you do, you will see a few case studies listed, you only pick one. You also have the option to locate your own case study. For example, if you choose the topic of gender, and click on the resource, you will see the case studies of a few individuals. You pick one case study.
Please use the PowerPoint provided, The number of references is at your discretion. For slide 10, you will list a few questions you have about the case study. You are not asking your professor/class if they have any questions, rather you are listing a few questions you have about the case study. Please do not change the template/style of PowerPoint. You can add pictures. Please do not combine the slides, you should have 11 slides in total.
I wanted to provide a breakdown of the slides. Slide 1 is the title page.
For slide 2, the contents, you will list the topics your PowerPoint entails, similar to a table of contents. For slide 3, you will introduce the topic. For slide 4, you will explain what the case study is about. For slide 5, you will explain what diversity and inclusion challenges this person has faced? Use specific terminology (bias, prejudice, stereotyping, etc.)?
For slide 6, you will explain the most impressive/surprising/inspirational part of this person’s story.
For slide 7, you will explain one important thing you learned by researching this person’s story.
For slide 8, you will explain what steps can be taken to ensure that people do not have a similar experience in the future.
Slide 9 is the conclusion
Slide 10, you will list a few questions you have about the case study. On Slide 11 you will list the references used.
The topic of the case study is disability, https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/disabilityandhealth/stories.html one can be chosen from this link.