School Year: 2021-22 Report Level: Campus Search Level: Campus Name Retrieve the

School Year: 2021-22 Report Level: Campus Search Level: Campus Name Retrieve the

School Year: 2021-22 Report Level: Campus Search Level: Campus Name Retrieve the 2022 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) for Commonwealth Elementary and LulaBelle Goodman Elementary (both in Fort Bend County) Find the following data for each school: 2022 Accountability Rating: ___________________ Count the Number of Distinction Designations from the title page:_________________ All Grades All Subjects – STAAR test Grade Level or Above on the STAAR test (%): ________________ Meets Grade Level or Above on the STAAR Test (%):________________ Masters Grade Level on the STAAR Test (%):__________________ Ethnic Distribution (%) % African American_____________ %Asian______________ % Hispanic_____________ %White______________ % Economically Disadvantaged__________________ Teacher Ethnic Distribution (%) %African American_____________ %Asian____________ % Hispanic_____________ %White______________ Average Teacher Salary $___________________ (1)What are the impacts of racial and/or economic segregation of schools? (2)Given the data, discuss the habitus of each school and speculate on the life chances for these elementary school children. (3)Which data from what you collected inform on habitus? (FYI, school teachers may or may not live in the same neighborhood as the school they teach – thus, teachers are not necessarily reflective of the habitus of the students – there are better markers of habitus then the teacher). (4)Are the life chances for these elementary school children the same? Why or why not? (5) Does the race and pay of the school teachers matter? Elaborate. Details Deadline 3/10/2024 8: PM Grammar & Mechanics (5 points) Content & Ideas (20 points) . Website Texas Education Agency – 2021–22 Texas Academic Performance Reports… (opens in a new tab)