Assignment The Nine Attitudes of Mindfulness Worksheet (150 points) Name:_______

Assignment The Nine Attitudes of Mindfulness Worksheet (150 points) Name:_______

Assignment The Nine Attitudes of Mindfulness Worksheet (150 points) Name:___________________________________________________________ [Practice Mindfulness for one week.] [Video: The Nine Attitudes of Mindfulness – Jon Kabat Zinn] First, listen to the Mindfulness video in Canvas then complete the worksheet. Define and describe the nine attitudes of mindfulness in the video and explain how each of these could impact your life (10 points each at least 100 words each). 1. Non-judgmental (10 points) 2. Patience (10 points) 3. Beginner’s Mind (10 points) 4. Trust (10 points) 5. Non-striving (10 points) 6. Acceptance (10 points) 7. Letting go (10 points) 8 Gratitude (10 points) 9. Generosity (10 points) [Practice Mindfulness for one week.] Describe the type of mindfulness that you practiced (10 points) How important is Breath Work to mindfulness? (10 points) Name three areas in your life that practicing Mindfulness made a difference (30 points each) 1. 2. 3. Research videos on mindfulness and copy and past the link here of your favorite video on mindfulness. (10 points). Total: 150 points Thanks for your work on this assignment! Prof Brendi

Complete the following “free” online career assessment (there are 60 multiple-ch

Complete the following “free” online career assessment (there are 60 multiple-ch

Complete the following “free” online career assessment (there are 60 multiple-choice questions). to an external site. (This is a comparison to the previous assessment you completed) Copy and paste the personality assessment that will appear at the end of the assessment (you do not have the buy the full assessments as presented at the bottom of your final assessment). Address the following in this short 1.5 to 2-page paper in APA format. 1) Describe online career assessments (types and what they address) 2) Do you think that online career assessments are valid (why or why not and provided examples)? 3) Should personality assessments play a part in career assessments (why)? 4) Discuss the personality assessment that you received from the above assessment and indicate if you believe that this is a true depiction of your personality and would be important in your future career aspirations. 5) Conclude your thoughts on career assessments. You should also identify two sources to cite, to help build your case. List on the reference page in addition to the assessment link. Follow the APA format, and type, double space in 12-point font, Times New Roman. Submit in MS Word, ONLY

*****PART 1***** Post a response to the following: – Who has the greatest respon

*****PART 1***** Post a response to the following: – Who has the greatest respon

*****PART 1***** Post a response to the following: – Who has the greatest responsibility for ethical conduct in the judicial system? – What is the role of citizens, both in terms of their own actions and in terms of accountability? – Consider citizen roles to include cooperation, reporting, being a witness, jury duty, and/or elections. *****PART 2***** You have been called to deliver a presentation at a nearby law school. Your goal is to enlist new law students into working within the district attorney’s office or as public defenders after graduation. Your presentation must address the following: – How can each position—district attorney or defense attorney—be viewed as more than just a job or a stepping stone? – How is each position valuable to the community? – Why and how is each position necessary? – What makes each position effective? – What makes each position different? – What are the positive and negative aspects of each position? – How does each position depend on each other for the system to function? How do they work together despite the adversarial relationship? *****PART 3*** Write a 300-word journal response to the following prompts: – Consider the ideals inherent in the positions of defense, prosecution, or judge. – Within these roles, how would you maintain a sense of idealism or purpose in the face of systemic social and institutional problems?

*****PART 1***** – Despite changes in who holds the most power, explain why the

*****PART 1***** – Despite changes in who holds the most power, explain why the

*****PART 1***** – Despite changes in who holds the most power, explain why the judge receives the most deference. – In your response, be sure to incorporate historical influence, institutional practices, and/or political factors to support your position. – In your response, you may incorporate professional experience or insights. *****PART 2***** PLEASE READ ATTACHMENT ***** Write a 750- to 1,000-page paper that addresses the points below. In your response, point to details from the case studies to provide examples of role characteristics in practice. You also may predict the next steps for each role or discuss how an element of power in that role will come to bear on a predicted aspect of the case. Be sure to draw upon examples from the Learning Resources to support your response, especially when predicting or discussing the next steps. – What is the judge’s power, and how is it used? – What is the prosecutor’s power, and how is it used? – What is the defense attorney’s power, and how is it used? – What is the relationship between the judge, prosecutor, defense, and police? – What is the duty of a jury? – How does the power of different judicial system roles vary in other countries? Are there any best practices that could apply in the U.S. judicial system? Explain how.

Discussion Thread: Preventing and Protecting Against Terrorist Attacks discuss:

Discussion Thread: Preventing and Protecting Against Terrorist Attacks discuss:

Discussion Thread: Preventing and Protecting Against Terrorist Attacks discuss: What are at least two pieces of legislation that can be used to combat terrorism? What challenges face the intelligence community in their efforts to defeat terrorism? What role does or should our borders play in the fight against terrorism? List five structural and five non-structural mitigation strategies to protect or prevent terrorism.

Part 1: Research Strategy Analysis and Sampling Assignment Locate a primary rese

Part 1: Research Strategy Analysis and Sampling Assignment Locate a primary rese

Part 1: Research Strategy Analysis and Sampling Assignment Locate a primary research article in an academic journal where the researcher or researchers used a quantitative research strategy, a survey instrument, and inferential statistics. Then, critique the following elements: purpose of the study; population of interest; rationale for using a quantitative research strategy versus a qualitative research strategy; research design, analytical approach, data analysis procedures used, data collection method, sampling design, findings, and areas in the study that were well executed and areas that require improvement. Part 2: Self-Completion Questionnaire For Part 2 of this assignment, you will create a self-completion questionnaire for the quantitative research project of interest you described in the Unit I discussion board. Address the prompts below. State the problem to be solved. Formulate four survey questions, using a Likert scale of your choosing, that would help solve your problem when answered. The survey questions should identify the variables to be measured (e.g., job satisfaction, motivation, productivity, morale, managerial competence, organizational commitment, job stress, etc.) Include relevant demographic questions. Indicate the level of scale measurement used for each question, from among the four levels of scale measurement. Identify the population of interest. Identify the sampling frame. Identify the sampling design. Describe the method of survey distribution. Your assignment should consist of a minimum of four pages in length, not counting the required references page. Please thoroughly address all areas listed above, and include at least two credible sources. Responses should be written in a narrative format rather than being formatted as short bullet points. Please use APA compliant headings and sub-headings that align with the individual assignment requirements. Adhere to APA Style, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Unit 1 Discussion Post: The Relationship Between Smartphone Usage and Job Performance Among College-Educated Individuals With the prevalence of smartphones in contemporary society, there arises a growing concern regarding their impact on workforce performance, particularly among college-educated individuals. Comprehending the correlation between smartphone usage and job performance holds paramount significance for both employees and employers. Excessive smartphone usage has been associated with distractions, diminished productivity, and ineffective time management, all of which can adversely affect work outcomes. By delving into this relationship, valuable insights can be gleaned, potentially leading to interventions or strategies aimed at fostering responsible smartphone usage and enhancing professional performance. Employing a quantitative methodology proves advantageous for this study as it enables the systematic collection and analysis of numerical data to gauge the association between smartphone usage and job performance. Performance indicators such as productivity metrics, task completion rates, and quality of work output can be quantified and scrutinized, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics at play. This research endeavor holds personal significance as it addresses a pertinent and contemporary issue in the digital era. As someone intrigued by the intersection of technology and professional development, I firmly believe that comprehending the impact of smartphones on job performance can inform individual behaviors and organizational policies alike. The utilization of quantitative research methods ensures a rigorous examination of this relationship, furnishing empirical evidence to guide future interventions and workplace strategies. 1. Please have the length of the assignment go into the 5th page – 6 pages total with reference page. APA Format 2. Please include Turn-It-In results for proof of any AI/Plagiarism Thank you!

repare a PowerPoint (Audio) presentation wherein he or she will train the audien

repare a PowerPoint (Audio) presentation wherein he or she will train the audien

repare a PowerPoint (Audio) presentation wherein he or she will train the audience (professor and classmates). The presentation should be designed for first responders. The student will provide an overview of emergency management. The student will examine all phases of disaster management including: an overview of the emergency management discipline; key concepts, definitions, and perspectives; mitigation to include prevention; preparedness, planning, response, and recovery. The following subtopics will be included within the respective phase they best fit: human behavior, warnings, evacuation, sheltering, special needs populations, triage, damage assessment, disaster declarations, debris removal, media relations, crisis counseling, assistance as well as fiscal issue. Decision-making, unified command, incident command, EOC operations, along with coordination efforts will be examined. The roles of faith- based agencies as well as public-private partnerships will be discussed. The student will share what was learned from their Examining Disaster Management Paper Assignment. Finally, the student will apply biblical insight into the overall issue. The presentation must include at least 10 sources (which cannot include the class textbook and the Bible). INSTRUCTIONS The student will use PPT, with audio, to present and record his or her information. A minimum of twenty content slides are required not including the cover and reference slides. The student will, at the minimum, use the same headings as listed previously in these instructions. The presentation needs to be at least 15 minutes long and should last no more than 30 minutes maximum. References will be included on the last slide. Once submitted for grading the student will email his or her PPT with audio to the rest of the class for their review. Assignment Specifics:  The presentation needs to be at least 15 minutes long and should last no more than 30 minutes maximum.  A minimum of twenty content slides are required not including the cover and reference slides.  The student will present and record his or her information within the PPT presentation.  The presentation must include at least 10 sources.

Students are to write a research paper on their assigned topic. The paper is an

Students are to write a research paper on their assigned topic. The paper is an

Students are to write a research paper on their assigned topic. The paper is an extension of your proposal. Be sure to implements items that needed correcting in your final paper–see your proposal for any comments. The paper should be in APA format and follow the specifications below. Paper should expand on accepted proposal. Papers will be graded on a scale of 0 to 100. Specifications: – Minimum of 4-6 pages (max 8), not including title page and reference page. – Double-spaced, 12 pt. font (Times New Roman) – Minimum of seven references (limit to three internet sites and must not date back beyond 2017). — APA format is absolutely required. Major point deduction if format is not followed. — Provide a powerpoint (60 to 90 seconds to summarize some main points about your paper PLEASE DEVELOP AND POST A SHORT POWER POINT (5 TO 6 SLIDES) TO SUMMARIZE THE POINTS OF YOUR PROJECT. YOU CAN RECORD YOUR SLIDE PRESENTATION. Beware of plagiarism. Give credit to whom credit is due. Make your APA “in-text” citations

OVERVIEW The student will complete a research paper providing a detailed examina

OVERVIEW The student will complete a research paper providing a detailed examina

OVERVIEW The student will complete a research paper providing a detailed examination of all phases of disaster management. The student will examine all phases of disaster management including: an overview of the emergency management discipline; key concepts, definitions, and perspectives; mitigation to include prevention; and preparedness, planning, response, and recovery. The following subtopics will be included within the respective phase they best fit: human behavior, warnings, evacuation, sheltering, special needs populations, triage, damage assessment, disaster declarations, debris removal, media relations, crisis counseling, and assistance, as well as fiscal issues. Decision-making, unified command, incident command, EOC operations, along with coordination efforts will be examined. The roles of faith-based agencies as well as public-private partnerships will be discussed. The student will approach it from a holistic manner considering all potential disciplines that might be involved in any phase of dealing with a disaster. Finally, biblical foundations should be addressed. INSTRUCTIONS The student will write a research-oriented paper in current APA format of at least 8 full pages. The paper must include at least 8 sources (which cannot include the class textbook and the Bible). Assignment Specifics:  At least 8 full pages, not counting title and reference pages, research-oriented paper in current APA format  At least 8 sources course book reference Phillips, B. D., Neal, D. M., & Webb, G. R. (2021). Introduction to Emergency Management and Disaster Science (3rd ed.). Taylor & Francis.