Read RWL 139-145 “Finding Sources” and “Evaluating Sources” Go to the WVC Librar

Read RWL 139-145 “Finding Sources” and “Evaluating Sources”
Go to the WVC Librar

Read RWL 139-145 “Finding Sources” and “Evaluating Sources”
Go to the WVC Library website (link is in our canvas course menu at the left of your screen). Use one of the literary databases on the WVC Library website to locate at least one source you could use to support your essay’s discussion.
Then, locate another source you could use to support your essay’s discussion. This second source can be any type as long as it is a credible and reliable source; it does not need to be from the WVC Library databases.
Write and Post:
Create a works cited citation for each source. After each source, provide a 125-word paragraph in which you briefly summarize the article and then identify the author’s credentials, the periodical/journal/website/book/etc.’s focus and reputation, and how you know the information is trustworthy and valid for your essay.