• Annotations should include the following: o 1–2 sentence summary of the source

• Annotations should include the following:
o 1–2 sentence summary of the source

• Annotations should include the following:
o 1–2 sentence summary of the source’s main idea, followed by an in-text citation, e.g. (Smith, 2014)
o Evaluation of the source’s credibility, including the author’s credentials and the verifiability of the source’s information; this should include where you found the source (Library, Google search engine, government website, etc.). Use the criteria covered in Evaluating Information to guide your evaluation. o Discussion about how you will use the source to support your argument for community change (this would include whether it poses a challenge to your argument that you will need to address). In this section, paraphrase a key point from the source that supports or challenges your thesis and include an in-text citation.
my thesis is:To improve access to affordable healthcare in our community, the local government should establish community health center’s that offer sliding-scale fees based on income. By doing so, uninsured, and underinsured individuals will have access to essential medical services, leading to better health outcomes and reduced strain on emergency rooms.” current articles i have looked at and did research from:
Cummings, J. R., Allen, L., Clennon, J., Ji, X., & Druss, B. G. (2017). Geographic access to specialty mental health care across high-and low-income US communities. JAMA psychiatry, 74(5), 476-484.
Dickman, S. L., Himmelstein, D. U., & Woolhandler, S. (2017). Inequality and the health-care system in the USA. The Lancet, 389(10077), 1431-1441.
Finding free health care, local resources, and help. (2023, September 20). Retrieved from Healthline: https://www.healthline.com/health/finding-free-healthcare-local-resources-and-help#:~:text=Finding%20a%20free%20or%20low-cost%20clinic%201%20Community,…%203%20Mobile%20clinics%20…%204%20Telehealth%20
Wittins, I. (2023, January 20). Limited Access: Poverty and Barriers to accessible healthcare. Retrieved from National Healthcare Council: https://nationalhealthcouncil.org/blog/limited-access-poverty-and-barriers-to-accessible-health-care/