Prompt: Using the film, A Man for All Seasons, the textbook, online Blackboard

Prompt: Using the film, A Man for All Seasons, the textbook, online Blackboard

Prompt: Using the film, A Man for All Seasons, the textbook, online Blackboard readings (John Guy article, and excerpts from Utopia), and lectures, please answer one of the two prompts:
1. Analyze Thomas More as an individual, a statesman, and a theologian.
2. Compare the English and Lutheran/Calvinist reformations.
Your composition will be graded based on these elements: 1) thesis, 2) evidence, 3) general clarity of writing, and 4) correct formatting.
Remember that your thesis should make an argument that answers a how or why question. This thesis should be clearly stated and defended adequately within your composition using valid evidence.
Pervasive and frequent in-text citations or footnotes are required for quoted and paraphrased material, including references to specific episodes in the film. The use of outside sources is highly discouraged, especially non scholarly works. You must refer to, and show the knowledge of, all sources listed in the prompt.
Make sure you respond to the question asked and do not deviate into biographical details, filmography, etc. Hypothetical constructs, analytical solecism, factual errors, and hyperbole will not help your grade.
Formatting Requirements: Your essay should be 1000-1300 words (an equivalent to 4-5 pages, typed, written in 12-point font, double spaced, with 1-inch margins). Please include a single-spaced header with your name and class period on the top right-hand corner of your paper. You must include consistent and predominant use of complete sentence and paragraph forms. Bullet lists are unacceptable at the university level. Choose a reference style (APA or Chicago) and be consistent throughout.