Consult Lab 6 Matter from the online lab manual. Excel is an important transfera

Consult Lab 6 Matter from the online lab manual.
Excel is an important transfera

Consult Lab 6 Matter from the online lab manual.
Excel is an important transferable skill. You can even use it to keep track of your variegated financial interests as a professional athlete. By the end of this course, you likely qualify as an intermediate excel user. As such you can put Excel on your resume or Linked In, or simply use it with confidence. You have free access to Excel through your Auburn ID. Turn In:
1. Complete Question 6.4 in lab manual concerning nested hierarchies (0.25 pt) Your answer needs demonstrate college level understanding of concept. Submit as or Word/PDF or in text field using an additional submission to do the files below.
2. Complete the Lab6Table.xlsx See here (ElectronOrbitals.pdf and download) for help with electron orbitals. (1 pt)
For the last column, make sure you give the # of empty spots and in which orbital.
For common usages and where found on Earth, do some research online. Try to think critically and give college level answers
3. Screen shot of your high score for Astro2048 (0.125 pt)
4. Screen shot of your high score for Fe[26] (0.125 pt). (Links to an external site.)
Note that the quiz is heavily focused on how to interpret the periodic table so make sure you solve and understand questions 6.6 – 6.11.