In this discussion board, each student will need to contribute a meaningful and

In this discussion board, each student will need to contribute a meaningful and

In this discussion board, each student will need to contribute a meaningful and thoughtful (if not thought-provoking) response to the following statement by Marincola (2006):
“For most Americans, science is something to be tolerated in high school, details of which are promptly forgotten after tests are over. This may be understandable, since, regrettably, the basic science curriculum can often consist of lectures on taxonomy or analogous facts about what science has discovered, along with the painful need to memorize long lists of strange words. But any notion that science should be left to the scientists, and that the very question of what is and is not science should be left to those with a political agenda, is wrong and damaging.”
In particular, think about why you took this course. Did you consider yourself “science adverse” prior to the course? What experiences have you had personally that have shaped your view of science? How does science play a role in your life, your future career, or in your health and well-being?

Required textbook reading and videos to watch inorder to do the assignment: Wald

Required textbook reading and videos to watch inorder to do the assignment:

Required textbook reading and videos to watch inorder to do the assignment:
Waldron, L. (2022). Biomedical Ethics: A Biblical Perspective. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company ISBN: 9798765700907.Read: Waldron: Chapter 1

this will take at 20min really the answer don’t have to be long Dr. Neira discus

this will take at 20min really the answer don’t have to be long Dr. Neira discus

this will take at 20min really the answer don’t have to be long Dr. Neira discusses the known human health effects, particularly to the central nervous system, of air pollution and why air pollution is a global environmental health issue in her TED talk – This is Your Brain on Air Pollution. After watching the video, think back to Stuart Firestein’s “Pursuit of Ignorance” talk. How do Firestein’s main points apply to Dr. Neira’s call to action regarding the effects of air pollution on human health? Based on the evidence presented by Dr. Neira, what questions still need to be asked and answered regarding the effects of air pollution on human health? What can the individual do, aside from putting pressure on politicians, to help address issues of poor air quality?

this will take at 20min really the answer don’t have to be long Dr. Neira discus

this will take at 20min really the answer don’t have to be long Dr. Neira discus

this will take at 20min really the answer don’t have to be long Dr. Neira discusses the known human health effects, particularly to the central nervous system, of air pollution and why air pollution is a global environmental health issue in her TED talk – This is Your Brain on Air Pollution. After watching the video, think back to Stuart Firestein’s “Pursuit of Ignorance” talk. How do Firestein’s main points apply to Dr. Neira’s call to action regarding the effects of air pollution on human health? Based on the evidence presented by Dr. Neira, what questions still need to be asked and answered regarding the effects of air pollution on human health? What can the individual do, aside from putting pressure on politicians, to help address issues of poor air quality?

The eye has several main parts: 1. **Cornea**: The transparent outer layer that

The eye has several main parts:
1. **Cornea**: The transparent outer layer that

The eye has several main parts:
1. **Cornea**: The transparent outer layer that covers the front of the eye.
2. **Pupil**: The opening in the center of the iris that allows light to enter the eye.
3. **Iris**: The colored part of the eye that regulates the amount of light entering the eye by adjusting the size of the pupil.
4. **Lens**: Focuses light onto the retina at the back of the eye.
5. **Retina**: The light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye that contains cells called rods and cones, which convert light into electrical signals.
6. **Optic Nerve**: Transmits these electrical signals from the retina to the brain, where they are interpreted as visual images.
These parts work together to enable vision by capturing light, focusing it, and converting it into neural signals that the brain can interpret as images.

The eye has several main parts: 1. **Cornea**: The transparent outer layer that

The eye has several main parts:
1. **Cornea**: The transparent outer layer that

The eye has several main parts:
1. **Cornea**: The transparent outer layer that covers the front of the eye.
2. **Pupil**: The opening in the center of the iris that allows light to enter the eye.
3. **Iris**: The colored part of the eye that regulates the amount of light entering the eye by adjusting the size of the pupil.
4. **Lens**: Focuses light onto the retina at the back of the eye.
5. **Retina**: The light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye that contains cells called rods and cones, which convert light into electrical signals.
6. **Optic Nerve**: Transmits these electrical signals from the retina to the brain, where they are interpreted as visual images.
These parts work together to enable vision by capturing light, focusing it, and converting it into neural signals that the brain can interpret as images.

The eye has several main parts: 1. **Cornea**: The transparent outer layer that

The eye has several main parts:
1. **Cornea**: The transparent outer layer that

The eye has several main parts:
1. **Cornea**: The transparent outer layer that covers the front of the eye.
2. **Pupil**: The opening in the center of the iris that allows light to enter the eye.
3. **Iris**: The colored part of the eye that regulates the amount of light entering the eye by adjusting the size of the pupil.
4. **Lens**: Focuses light onto the retina at the back of the eye.
5. **Retina**: The light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye that contains cells called rods and cones, which convert light into electrical signals.
6. **Optic Nerve**: Transmits these electrical signals from the retina to the brain, where they are interpreted as visual images.
These parts work together to enable vision by capturing light, focusing it, and converting it into neural signals that the brain can interpret as images.