Subject – 2024 Spring – Organ Leader & Decision Making (ITS-630-M30) – Full Term

Subject – 2024 Spring – Organ Leader & Decision Making (ITS-630-M30) – Full Term

Subject – 2024 Spring – Organ Leader & Decision Making (ITS-630-M30) – Full Term
Answer format should be in the format in the document provided by the professor – Practical Connection Paper Part 2 2024.docx ( please find the doc in attachment)
Handouts or Materials provided by professor for this Practical connection assignment –
2) Leadership-Matrix-Self-Assessment-Questionnaire Worksheet – (attached the pdf in attachment)
3) Myers-Briggs Leadership Development (attached pdf in attachment)
Example image/graph needs to be used in assignment – attaching the image
Please note – Use /Apply APA 7th edition style writing by Indenting the first sentence of each paragraph, adding citations throughout the paper, and including references of the citations in the References page. The font type is Times New Roman with 12 font size letters.