Overview In this assignment, you’ll complete a draft of your interview questions

In this assignment, you’ll complete a draft of your interview questions

In this assignment, you’ll complete a draft of your interview questions by creating a target list of five to seven (5-7) interview questions for the person you plan to interview. You’ll use these questions as a starting point for your interview.

Below are suggested areas of focus and possible questions that you might consider for your interview. You are free to create your interview questions from scratch, but feel free to use the questions below as a starting point. If you do, make sure to tweak and revise these questions, so that they fit with the topic and person you are interviewing.
Draft your interview questions and list them in number order. Note: look over the module’s previous learning materials (readings and audio) to help guide your questions.
Each question should be accompanied by a short rationale explaining why you’ve landed on the question you have.

Possible Interview Questions Organized by Topic
Demographic Information
What led you to be interested in/invested in your specific advocacy writing?
Why is it important to others?
What goals and responsibilities guide you when you sit down to write or create text you plan to share publicly?
Out of what contexts did your goals emerge?
What is the main argument your writing tries to get across to audiences?
What core claims support your ideas and main points?
How do you, generally, circulate your writing to audiences?
Why was this mode of communication selected?
Did the original text go to the primary audience only, or did it also circulate beyond that audience? In other words, did the text stay put where you initially intended/thought?
Audience and Reception
Could you describe the kind of person you imagine being impacted by your writing?
What kind of relationship between yourself and your audience are you trying to create?
How did members of the audience respond to your writing? What reactions did your audience have? Did any surprise you?
What values/beliefs were being asserted through these reactions? Did these values/beliefs align with your own?
If your writing/text went beyond its primary audience, what were the reactions of those secondary audiences?
What was the end result of your writing/texts being circulated among the public?

Criteria for Evaluation
This assignment is graded for completion, meaning that it’s all about doing the hard work of learning and writing. If your submission meets the following expectations, it will earn full credit:
includes a minimum of five (5) interview questions
includes a rationale for each question
Be sure to submit your work correctly by uploading a .doc or .docx file. Submissions that cannot be accessed will not be graded.