Nature Observation Assignment Please visit a Nature or Wildlife Preserve of your

Nature Observation Assignment
Please visit a Nature or Wildlife Preserve of your

Nature Observation Assignment
Please visit a Nature or Wildlife Preserve of your choice (you may also visit a beach, a local park, gardens, or, if necessary, YOUR OWN BACK OR FRONT YARD!). Plan to spend at least one hour ALONE, or, if accompanied, in reflective silence. Record your observations in a journal or notebook -– describe your surroundings, reflections, feelings, and experiences. You may make sketches to help you relax and feel creative.
Become an expert observer and try to be as specific as you can. Even the most minute details can be interesting and can make your essay come alive. For instance, when you notice the trees, notice the leaves on the trees, then the little bugs on the leaves of the trees, etc… DO NOT OBSERVE OR WRITE ABOUT ANY PEOPLE OR MAN-MADE OBJECTS!!!
When you return home from your nature adventure, please re-read your notes. You may wish to add some thoughts about your experience at this time, or you may wish to give yourself a bit of time for reflection. When you are ready, begin to organize your thoughts and images.
Please use a first-person narrative (the “I” voice) so you can reflect and comment on your observations. Begin and end the essay with an explanation, realization, or epiphany about the significance of your visit (this may include any feelings/thoughts that arose during or after your visit, but limit writing about memories from the past).
Helpful Hints in Writing Your Observation:
In your introduction, discuss how you felt about nature and the assignment PRIOR to the observation.
Focus only on your feelings and thoughts, and keep it all in the first-person “I” voice! Since this is a personal narrative and nature observation, avoid writing about other people, the world, etc. Limit the description of memories that are conjured up from the past.
Add specific details to your images. Describe the shades of colors, lighting, texture, shapes, smells, etc. Really paint a picture for your reader! Make the reader see, smell, taste, touch, and hear nature!
In your conclusion, discuss how the observation made you feel. Will you make changes in your life? Discuss any epiphanies you may have had!
The Nature Walk – Descriptive Narrative Essay must be at least 1000 words in length and makes up 10% of your final grade. In order to receive full credit, please adhere to the following:
Break up your ideas into multiple paragraphs. Include an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Keep your focus on nature. Papers that include sections that focus on people or man-made objects will be marked down.
Add specific and visual imagery to your paper. Bring your images alive for the reader!
Limit the number of memories and thoughts – focus on what you see in the moment!
Proofread for spelling and grammar.