Please read the following, thanks.   Your paper must have a cover page that inc

Please read the following, thanks.  
Your paper must have a cover page that inc

Please read the following, thanks.  
Your paper must have a cover page that includes the title of the assignment, your name, and the date. The body of the paper (which does not include title page or reference page) must be at least two pages in length (500 words) and double-spaced. Please include a separate reference page. Max 25 points 
You must include a minimum of two sources. Of course, you may use more than two. Your references cannot include your textbook or the references that I have provided as starting research. An effective and in-depth use of these sources must be evident with proper APA formatting of references in the reference section. Further, use of in-text citations when paraphrasing or quoting directly must be evident. Points will be deducted when citations and references are not in proper format and/or not used where it is evident that citations are needed. Max 25 points 
The body of your paper must adequately answer and develop the main points outlined below – course terms/vocabulary should be applied appropriately and examples should be used to illustrate the topics below. Max 25 points 
Proper grammar, punctuation, and mechanics (i.e. spelling, capitalization, etc.) must be evident throughout the paper – for instance, the words: there, their, and they’re must be used properly or points will be deducted. Paper should appear to have been well-proofread. Max 25 points 
Case Study Topic: Piercing the Corporate Veil
The prospect of Piercing the Corporate Veil looms over the business operations of ownership in many situations. Understanding the courts process for reviewing the actions of ownership may prove essential in helping management avoid this circumstance. Begin with your textbook definition of Piercing the Corporate Veil, then research several cases where courts have articulated a systematic analysis that resulted in either piercing or not piercing the corporate veil. Compare and contrast the courts reasoning in the cases that you reference, and then provide a conclusion based on your understanding of the law generally.