answer the questions from the reading here is The reading : Authoritarian Regim

answer the questions from the reading here is
The reading :
Authoritarian Regim

answer the questions from the reading here is The reading :
Authoritarian Regimes •Types of Authoritarian Regimes & The Logic of Authoritarianism
o Milan W. Svolik, The Politics of Authoritarian Rule (New York: Cambridge University Press,
2012), Chapters 1 and 2, pgs. 1-45.
o Steven Levitsky and Lucan A. Way, “Elections Without Democracy: The Rise of
Competitive Authoritarianism,” Journal of Democracy. 2002, Vol. 13, No. 2, pgs. 51-65.
o Barbara Geddes, Erica Frantz, & Joseph G. Wright, “Military Rule,” Annual Review of
Political Science. 2014, Vol. 17, pgs. 147-62.
• Studying Authoritarian Regimes
o Yuhua Wang, “Institutions and Bribery in an Authoritarian State,” Studies in Comparative
International Development. 2014, Vol. 49, No. 2, pgs. 217-241.
o Sebastian Hellmeier and Nils B. Weidmann, “Pulling the Strings? The Strategic Use of Pro-
Government Mobilization in Authoritarian Regimes,” Comparative Political Studies. 2020,
Vol. 53, No. 1, pgs. 71-108.
and here is the questions that you should answer 1. What is an authoritarian regime? What are the different types of authoritarian regimes we have read this week?
2. Is an authoritarian regime different from a competitive authoritarian regime? If yes, how does it differ?
3. What are the two entrenched problems of authoritarian rule regarding the regime stability discussed by Svolik (2012) in his book?
4. How do the inherent dilemmas make a regime crisis in a competitive authoritarian rule?
5. How will you define military rule as one of the forms of authoritarian governance? Do military dictatorships act differently than civilian-led dictatorships?
6. Do the military strongmen behave differently than the military regimes to tackle the crisis in governing the states?
7. Please explain which institutional factors we have read in Wang’s (2013) article influence bribery between firms and public officials in an authoritarian state? Can we generalize the findings of Wang’s (2013) study to other parts of the world?
8. How do the pro-government rallies in authoritarian rule maintain the regime stability? What are the costs and risks of pro-government mobilization faced by the authoritarian rulers?