Produce a report that compares the economic performance of UK and and Belgium si

Produce a report that compares the economic performance of UK and and Belgium si

Produce a report that compares the economic performance of UK and and Belgium since 2020 by examining the data on GDP growth rates. Analyse the reasons for the observed differences/similarities in their growth performance. Arguments should be supported by secondary data and graphs
Most Graphs MUST be taken from trading economics.
May you follow the points below please:
• DO NOT give detailed theoretical explanation. This does not attract any marks.
• Provide graphs from Trading Economics presenting data on GDP growth rates (%) data
NOT GDP (£m).
• Present graphs on both quarterly GDP growth rates & Full year GDP growth rates for both countries.
• Policies and Expenditure components are NOT separate sections. They are factors to be discussed in the relevant year’s examination.
• Do NOT analyse one country for all years then move to another country. You should make a comparative analysis throughout the report.
• Examine each year’s performance (2020 – now) in a separate paragraph.
Eg for 2020:
•Describe & compare both countries’ GDP growth rates.
•Analyse what factors that caused this observed similarity or difference in their growth performance. Those factors can be: changes in the relevant expenditure components (C, I, G, X, M); fiscal/monetary policies; changes in exchange rate, etc….
•Provide specific/numerical data on those relevant expenditures, policies, etc..
•Cite source of numerical data.
Read Sloman chapter 1 & 26
Sloman chapter 4
Sloman 5.1, 5.2 & 5.3