Duolingo is a mobile app , search for its terms and conditions of data privacy a

Duolingo is a mobile app , search for its terms and conditions of data privacy a

Duolingo is a mobile app , search for its terms and conditions of data privacy and data management. Describe in 400-500 words the data ownerships, access right, and the right to revoke data from the service provider. Try as much as you can to explore answers to at least five of the following questions
1. What type of information is being collected by the app about users?
2. What is the purpose of collecting this information from users?
3. How is the user information stored and protected?
4. Is there a third party with which the user’ information is being shared with?
5. Is the app using the user’s information for marketing or advertising purposes?
6. Do users have rights regarding their personal information, such as the ability to access, correct, or delete their information?
7. If the app is using cookies or other tracking technologies, can users manage them?
8. How do users get notified when the privacy policy gets updated?
9. How can users reach out if they have any inquiries or concerns?