Prompt: After reading “There’s nothing wrong with grade inflation. Grades don’t

Prompt: After reading “There’s nothing wrong with grade inflation. Grades don’t

Prompt: After reading “There’s nothing wrong with grade inflation. Grades don’t matter anyway. Here’s why,”
write a 750-word essay in which you argue whether or not Cal Poly faculty should replace final letter grades
with written comments about student performance on a transcriipt. If you believe that Cal Poly faculty should
“ditch grades,” because their importance has diminished, and instead write “something truthful” about their
students at the end of the quarter, develop your position with compelling arguments that expand upon or go
beyond the points already offered in the article. If you do not believe Cal Poly faculty should replace final letter
grades with a comments-based form of evaluation, then defend your position with compelling arguments.
Your essay should show an understanding of the article without simply repeating it, and you should incorporate
specific details from your own experience and knowledge into your response.
I will upload the file/prompt shortly after my order is placed. thank you so much, I will tip!