A couple of things to address: Please number your responses to the questions, th

A couple of things to address:
Please number your responses to the questions, th

A couple of things to address:
Please number your responses to the questions, this helps me for grading purposes.
Complete assigned readings, watch videos, and view/read other links in this module before making your postings. I will be searching for key words, terms and concepts when grading.
Please used proper references for your responses
The information you need to complete each individual assignment can be found in our textbook and other linked readings or linked module materials. You may use other sources to further your understanding of assignment topics. Any work/words that is not your own original work/words must be cited using APA citation style.
Assessment criteria is based upon:
Quality and completeness of response (critical thinking)
Development of ideas
Application of key topics and concepts of this course including linked readings and linked module materials
Professional language and writing such as grammar, mechanics, style, citations, etc.
Responses that demonstrate higher order thinking in domains of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation
Discussion board
Apply course related topics and concepts to this scenario-as the administrator what should be done when one of your employees shows up for work showing signs of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Discuss why you selected this option. What will you do if this option doesn’t work? What other possibilities might you explore? Apply course related topics and concepts to this scenario-as the administrator what should be done in this case scenario? Two of your staff speak their native language to each other at work (Creole, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese etc.). Because they often giggle or laugh, some of their coworkers and a few patients think they are being made fun of, and they don’t like it. As their supervisor what should you do about this? Discuss why you selected this option. What will you do if this option doesn’t work? What other possibilities might you explore? Apply course related topics and concepts to this scenario-as the administrator how are you going to manage people who are consistently oppositional? These are employees who actively debate or ignore feedback, refuse to follow instructions they disagree with, or create a constant stream of negative comments about you and/or your new initiatives. What are some ‘guiding principles’ leaders and managers need to follow in a crisis or difficult situation?
Why is it said leaders are always leading by example?
Chapter 21 discussed employee attitude…discuss your thoughts/position as a manager/leader of/on/about…should you hire a new employee for skills or attitude in the health care delivery system and why you have that position. Please number your responses for ease of grading/reading/assessment.
• Original posts should consist of at least 900 characters or more (not including spaces; roughly 250 words).
Quality of posts
• Each of your posts must demonstrate your understanding of the topic.
• Connections between lecture content, textbook content, and discussion should be exhibited.
• Relate new information with material previously covered in the class as well as with personal experience.
• Discuss at a critical level – don’t just recite facts from your reading, discussion, or lecture.
• Critical discussion includes your opinion of items mentioned, but also includes the reasons you hold that opinion, and why it may be inconsistent or consistent with what you’ve learned. Justify your reasoning with facts. How does what you’re presenting affect present and future situations?
When making your original post keep these criteria in mind:
Criteria Description
Critical Thinking: Valid connections are made using course content. Posts are complete with analysis and insight.
Relevance: Posted messages respond directly to the questions or directions specified in the assignment section.
Understanding: It is clearly evident from the posted messages that the participant read and understood the ideas expressed in the assigned reading selections.
Examples: Multiple examples are used, or specific ideas are stated in posted messages.
Quality: Comments have professional depth and quality.
Quantity: Length of all required posts met.
Stylistics: No spelling or grammar mistakes. Content easy to understand.