Case Study #3 Instructions International and Comparative Disaster Management For

Case Study #3 Instructions
International and Comparative Disaster Management

Case Study #3 Instructions
International and Comparative Disaster Management
For Case Study #3, you will discuss and analyze one of the below topics as it is related to disaster management implemented internationally. You will check and reference at least three credible sources for information about the issue and provide examples from a country of your choice. Note: You may not use the United States or the same country that you chose for your country paper for this assignment.

1) Global tourism and disasters
2) Inequality in disaster aid
3) Gender issues and international disaster management
4) Social vulnerability and international disaster management
5) Mainstreaming development and disaster resiliency
6) Disaster prevention education
7) Working with indigenous people and international disaster management
8) International disaster mitigation
9) Migration and international disaster management
10) Climate change
11) Water scarcity and disasters
12) Complex Humanitarian Emergencies (CHE’s)
13) Military (not US) role in international disaster management
14) Food aid during disasters
15) Sanitation issues during disasters
16) Security in aid delivery in disasters
17) Informal settlements in at risk areas
18) Population density as an obstacle to emergency management
19) Technological advances for response and recovery
20) Community participation in EM

For each topic you will be required to discuss the following:
• Definition of the issue
• Example or examples of the topic on a selected country
• Is it important to study this issue? Why?
Case Study #3 should be approximately 1 – 1.5 pages (single spaced) in length and include APA in text citations and at least 3 references.