Instructions There has been a lot of discussion around the negatives of social m

There has been a lot of discussion around the negatives of social m

There has been a lot of discussion around the negatives of social media in the last few years (or decade), but when asked, people usually say that they have a mixed experience. But what do you really think? Do the bad qualities outweigh the good? Or is it the opposite, that the good things that social media brings to our world are worth the trade off?
Write a 4-5 page argumentative paper in which you argue as to whether social media is positive or negative for teens and emerging adults. This should include the following parts:
An introduction paragraph where you introduce and give background to the issue. Include your opinion as the thesis statement for your paper.
The refutation is where you provide the opposite arguments. What would someone having an opposing viewpoint say?
The presentation of your argument is where you build your case one point at a time. Each point should be in a separate paragraph. Why do you believe that social media is positive or negative? Please use a minimum of 3 concepts or theories discussed in the readings or videos about the development of adolescents and emerging adults to support your arguments. Please highlight or bold the names of the theories or concepts you use. You may also use examples from your own experiences or those of people you know.
The conclusion is the last paragraph where you put your whole argument together, showing how your evidence points to your opinion being correct.
If you are having difficulty filling out 4 pages, then that means that you are not going into enough detail.
Here are two examples of opinion papers:Mey, L., & Pheng, C. (2021, April 28). Opinion: Cardi B’s ‘WAP’ sells objectification of women as feminism. The Shorthorn. (University of Texas at Arlington)
Taylor, A. (2020, October 14). “WAP” is the feminism we all need right now. Study Breaks. (Author from University of Rochester)
Please use 1 inch margins, double-spaced, with a legible font. You do not need a title page or page header.
You must use your own words – no copying/pasting, quotations, or AI allowed.
Using readings or videos from class or outside sources is not required, however, if you use them you must provide in-text citations as well as a reference page.
Need help remembering how to paraphrase, use quotations, provide in-text citations or references? Please refer back to this page to rewatch the videos.
While I will be focusing most of my attention on the content of your essay, please use appropriate spelling and good grammar. I suggest using or another free spell checker to check your writing.