For this assignment, you will test your auditory threshold and hearing ability.

For this assignment, you will test your auditory threshold and hearing ability.

For this assignment, you will test your auditory threshold and hearing ability. Please follow the instructions below to complete the activity on the ISLE website. Once you have completed the activity, answer the questions below in a discussion post.
(Please do this activity in a quiet room without headphones, and please use Firefox, Edge, or
another browser to launch…Chrome may not operate correctly)
1. Go to to an external site.
2. Click on ISLE Activity 10
3. Click on ISLE Activities and Quizzes
4. Select ISLE 10.4 Frequency Response of the Ear
5. Read the Background and Instructions
6. Click on Illustration
7. Click the “Adjust” button to play a tone, and adjust the slider until you can just hear the tone
8. Click “Done”
9. Click “Play”, you will hear a series of 10 tones at decreasing amplitudes (called a
stairstep method) for one frequency. Your job is to count how many of the tones you can hear
until the tone disappears from your perception. Enter that number in the drop-down menu
10. Repeat and adjust steps for the remaining 7 frequencies
11. When you have completed all of the frequencies, click “Download Data”
12. Copy or paste your raw data (that you downloaded) into your post on this discussion thread and answer the following questions in your post as well:
Question 1: Please describe the shape of your frequency distribution graph.
Question 2: Were your results consistent with your own beliefs regarding your hearing? Did the results suggest you were more or less sensitive to any given frequency range?