Purpose: This assignment is designed to raise awareness of the impact of racism

Purpose: This assignment is designed to raise awareness of the impact of racism

Purpose: This assignment is designed to raise awareness of the impact of racism upon professional nursing. Through an assigned reading and watching a virtual panel of Black nurse leaders from across the state of Texas talk about their experiences, students will consider ways in which issues of racism may affect the practice of nursing. These leaders bring their personal and professional experiences as a Senior Vice President and CNO in a large university health system, Director of Diversity & Inclusion for a School of Nursing, a Clinical Liaison for nutritional services, an RN Surgery Scheduler Coordinator, a Director of Nursing in a Children’s’ hospital, a Clinical Nurse Manager at a Medical Center, a Clinical Nurse at a large Cancer Center, and a CNO of a Rehabilitation Center. The panel will discuss race, racism, nursing ethics and the experience of being Black in American.
Students will:
1.Review the 2018 ANA Position Statement: The Nurses’ Role in Addressing Discrimination: Protecting and Promoting Inclusive Strategies in Practice Settings, Policy and Advocacy (https://www.nursingworld.org/~4ab207/globalassets/practiceandpolicy/nursing-excellence/ana-position-statements/social-causes-and-health-care/the-nurses-role-in-addressing-discrimination.pdfLinks to an external site.) Accessed June, 2020
2.Watch Perspectives on Nursing from the Black Community: A Virtual Panel. (https://www.facebook.com/Texas.Nurses.Association/live)-AccessedLinks to an external site., June 2020
Your writing assignment answers the following questions: (APA formatting)
Describe four points from the assigned reading and virtual panel that you felt were most important for you personally and in your nursing practice.
Describe your perception of the assigned 2018 ANA Position Statement in directing your practice, after viewing this virtual panel. Give rationales for your views.
The issues of race and racism in health care is an ongoing problem. Going forward, what policy changes at the individual health care organization level and local, state and/or national level would you support? Give rationale(s) for your view(s).
Intensive Midterm Writing Assignment
Intensive Midterm Writing Assignment
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterionDescription of Important Points
40 ptsExcellent
Succinctly and completely describes two personal and professional points (1 each) that were identified after the assigned reading and the virtual panel. The points and rationales are clearly articulated
30 ptsGood
Describes two personal and professional points (1 each) that are identified after the assigned reading and the virtual panel. The points and rationales are articulated, but some parts are unclear.
20 ptsFair
Describes one personal or professional point. The point and rationale are poorly articulated.
0 ptsUnsatisfactory
Inadequately describes one personal or professional point. The points and rationales are poorly articulated
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of CriteriaImpact of the assigned reading and virtual panel
40 ptsExcellent
Succinctly and clearly describes the impact of the assigned reading and virtual panel upon one’s personal perception of the ANA position statement. Rationale(s) are well developed.
30 ptsGood
Describes the impact of the assigned reading and virtual panel upon one’s personal perceptions of the ANA position statement. Rationale(s) are adequate.
20 ptsFair
Briefly describes the impact of the assigned reading and virtual panel upon one’s personal perceptions of the ANA position statement. Rationale (s) are poorly developed.
0 ptsNo Marks
Poorly outlined description of the impact of the reading assignment and virtual panel upon one’s personal perceptions of the ANA position statement. Rationale(s)are absent or inadequate.
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of CriterionApplication of evidence in a clinical scenario
40 ptsFull Marks
Succinctly and clearly apply evidence regarding race issues to a well-defined clinical scenario. The rationale statement (s) demonstrates a clear understanding of the impact of evidence on the situation.
30 ptsGood
Apply evidence regarding race relations to a clinical scenario. The rationale explanation(s) demonstrates some understanding of the impact of evidence on the situation.
20 ptsFair
Application of evidence regarding race relations to a clinical scenario is limited. The rationale statement(s) demonstrates a limited understanding of the impact of evidence on the situation.
0 ptsUnsatisfactory
Application of evidence regarding race relations to a clinical scenario is scant. The explanation does not demonstrate an understanding of the impact of the evidence on the situation.
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of CriterionPlan of the future
40 ptsExcellent
Clearly and succinctly describes at least two recommendations of policy change at the individual health care organization level and local, state and/or national level. Rationales are well-reasoned and succinct, using evidence as the basis of the policies.
30 ptsGood
Describes at least two recommendations of policy change at the individual health care organization level and local, state and/or national level. Rationales meets expectations, and uses evidence as the basis for the recommendations.
2 ptsFair
Minimal description of at least two recommendations for policy change at the individual health care organization level and local, state, and/or national levels. Rationales meet only minimal expectations, uses and uses inappropriate
0 ptsNo Marks
Describes only 1 recommendation of policy change at the individual and local, state, or national levels. Little, if any, rationale drawn from evidence is included.
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of CriterionAPA Formatting
40 ptsExcellent
APA format is correct, title page, citations, references and paper formatting are free from errors.
30 ptsGood
APA format is mostly correct, 1-3 errors found on title page, citations, references or overall formatting.
20 ptsFair
APA format is somewhat correct, 4-6 errors found on title page, citations, references or overall formatting.
0 ptsUnsatisfactory
APA format is faulty, > 6 errors found on title page, citations, references or overall formatting.
40 pts
Total Points: 200