part 1 : Watch the YouTube video abo

part 1 : Watch the YouTube video abo

part 1 : Watch the YouTube video above, entitled “Human Language Series Part II,” and develop 10 bullet points/statements from the video. Please do not copy word for word from the video. Write in your own words into a word document.
part 2: Use this topic (The Human Language) to make a PowerPoint presentation. Choose one question to which you’d like to find the answer through library research. Remember, it can’t be a yes/no question.
On slides, begin with an introduction – give brief background information on your topic; it serves as your introduction, having a hook and background information, including a definition if necessary, and your research questions.
Do thorough research on your topic as you move onto your body slides – as you will include bibliographies at the end of your slides, have a minimum of 5 resources.
State what each article says and come up with your conclusion to answer your research question. i attached a sample of what the PowerPoint should look like