As you read your novel, you will choose a total of 6 quotes or passages that sta

As you read your novel, you will choose a total of 6 quotes or passages that sta

As you read your novel, you will choose a total of 6 quotes or passages that stand out to you.
Each response will reflect on a distinct element of your understanding of the text.
1. Personal
2. Setting
3. Characters
4. Plot
5. Theme
6. Authors writing style Each of the 6 responses should:
– include the passage from the book, typed out, italicized, and cited with a page number.
– be 1 paragraph (approximately 6-10 sentences)
– contain a topic sentence, evidence/support from the text, a reflection of what your evidence means, and a
closing sentence that brings the paragraph to a close and reminds the audience of your topic sentence.