Take two pages to Complete a PESTEL analysis for a country and industry of your

Take two pages to Complete a PESTEL analysis for a country and industry of your

Take two pages to Complete a PESTEL analysis for a country and industry of your choice. Use the resources
noted in class (https://www.trade.gov/international-market-research) to do your own research (cite all sources used). Remember that the PESTEL is industry-specific, so discuss the industry chosen and how your PESTEL specifically addresses your industry. Treat this PESTEL like an executive summary for the Chief Marketing Officer of your organization. Begin it with a 2-3 sentence “executive summary” that summarizes the findings, and put that at the top of the section. This should be able to stand alone as a document that you can use in job interviews when asked for a writing sample. Choose a country and industry (of your choice). Identify them and complete a detailed PESTEL analysis using the US Government research sources listed in the additional materials for the week (put this in a table with bullet points)(https://www.trade.gov/international-market-researc…). Summarize the PESTEL in one paragraph, noting the pros and cons of that country/industry combination.
2 pages/double speace