Produce a report (2,000 words +/- 10% excluding the references list, appendices,

Produce a report (2,000 words +/- 10% excluding the references list, appendices,

Produce a report (2,000 words +/- 10% excluding the references list, appendices, tables and figures). The report will need to include the following:
1) Discuss the performance (growth/contraction/stagnation) of the airline passenger market, over the last 20 years, along with challenges faced.
2) Discuss four examples of strategies that passenger airlines have used to not only survive but to also grow over the stated period. Include airlines employing the strategies identified.
3) Include infographics (Figures and Tables) to highlight your points
Please reference your work according to the Harvard style as defined in Cite Them Right Online ( This information is also available in book form: Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2019) Cite them right: the essential reference guide. 11th edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Copies are available via the University library.
You should use a wide range of sources, including but not limited to books, academic and business journals as well as industry publications and websites. Aim for a minimum of one source per 100 words.
Your document must include a cover page, contents page and final references list.
Pages must be numbered and your work should be presented in 12pt black font with double-line spacing. Your final word count needs to be included after your conclusions section.
No collaboration is allowed: work must be completed on an individual basis.
This assignment must be submitted electronically by 1400 UK time on the submission date.
To submit electronically you must upload your work to the e-submission area inside the Blackboard organisation shell where you will find some simple instructions on how to upload your work.
You will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission. This will be sent to your e-mail address provided you set up e-mail forwarding. Please keep this receipt for future reference.
You can submit your work as many times as you like before the submission date. If you do submit your work more than once, your earlier submission will be replaced by the most recent version.
Important note: For the third report you will need to begin by introducing the reader to the fact that the airline industry can broadly be split into two markets; passenger and cargo with sub-markets below. You can include a diagram to depict this structure as I did on the board during pre-departure brief, (I know, long time ago). From there on you mention that the main focus of your report will be on the PASSENGER market. You should bring in information which shows how the passenger side of the airline business has performed over the last 20 years. Has there been steady growth? Has there been volatility? Remember this section is 30% .
The 40% section is where you bring in four examples of strategies that airlines have used in those last 20 years in order to survive, grow, and become profitable. If you think mergers is one such way, then include it as one of your examples. However, do not over-describe, for example, airline X merged with airline Y and together they have 2 aircraft, 10 employees and fly on 50 routes… What are the benefits of mergers? Are there ‘costs’ to mergers? How have the mergers turned out for the relevant parties?
If you look at the assignment brief there are 10 marks for infographics, so figures and tables. Just like referencing, there is a particular way of formatting figures and tables, so have a look at the ‘Hubbing’ report for guidance. Also check your referencing matches the one in the ‘Hubbing’ report. Remember as a rule of thumb you should have one source for each 100 words, so 2,000 words minimum 20 sources.
How many figures/tables? Certainly more than two or three. I would expect to see at least five, and putting a picture of an A380 does not count. Remember this is not a magazine article, so no writing by the side of your figures and/or tables.