After the interview, write a paper (4-5 double-spaced pages) consisting of the f

After the interview, write a paper (4-5 double-spaced pages) consisting of the f

After the interview, write a paper (4-5 double-spaced pages) consisting of the following three sections: (1) Describe the experience of trying to find someone to interview. Include how many phone calls you had to make, what your feelings were when asking a stranger to help, how it felt if you calls were not returned. The idea is that you will become aware of the parallel processes between how you felt and how a client might feel in similar (i.e., asking for help, calls not returned, etc.) circumstances. Please compare the feelings you had to the feelings a client might have. (2) Summarize the information gathered during the interview and include the information from A-G above as well as other related content. (3) Conclude the paper with your assessment of the interview and the work that is accomplished in the agency. Include how you experienced this assignment (i.e., what did you learn, how did you feel during the interview, do you feel differently about social work, etc.)