Summarize modern-day (generic) federal/state/local-level public processes with a

Summarize modern-day (generic) federal/state/local-level public processes with a

Summarize modern-day (generic) federal/state/local-level public processes with a specific articulation of the Six-Step Public Policy Process (complete with examples of each). Provide a brief historical background of the key theoretical works that shaped the present day process. Explain the unique perspectives of political scientists, public administrators, and scientific researchers/scientists all bring to the collaborative endeavor to serve the common good. Articulate what types of public process enhancements you can envision occurring over the next 10 to 20-year period. What will be the primary driver(s) of these changes—technology, socio-economic drivers, environmental constraints, etc.? The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists and should cite material appropriately 12-15 slides (excluding title and reference slides) Notes Length: 150-300 words for each content slide