If you have access to an animal, you may choose to replicate the exercises on yo

If you have access to an animal, you may choose to replicate the exercises on yo

If you have access to an animal, you may choose to replicate the exercises on your own. You will submit photos or video screenshots of your research along with your results and reflections on the experience. If you do not have animal access, you may summarize published journal articles that correspond to the key concepts tested in the exercises using species that were not discussed in that module. The format for this assignment is a slide deck resembling a digital lab notebook.
There are two options for this assignment:
Option 1: DIY
If you have an animal at home, you can try out the research exercises on your own. You will do the (1) mirror test, (2) playback, (3) puzzle, (4) string-pull and (5) novel object ministudies. After conducting each of the five exercises, you will make 3 slides (15 slides total).
Slide 1 = On this slide, show me how you did the study! Include “evidence” by adding pictures/video screenshots, and some brief text describing each step of your methods.
Slide 2 = On this slide, show me your data! Start by doing the same analyses from the module exercise. Summarize your results with brief text and a table or figure.
Slide 3 = On this slide, tell me how it went! Reflect on what it was like to do this study with your own animal. Were your predictions met? What challenges did you encounter?
Download an unformatted PowerPoint template for Option 1
Actions. You only need to fill in the required information. You are welcome to change any of the formatting. However, you will be evaluated on content, not on design.
Option 2: Literature Search
If you do not have animal access, you can find and summarize five journal articles that used the paradigms (or tested similar key concepts). If you are doing a literature search, make sure you choose species that were not already covered in the module to expand your learning. If you have a favorite animal we didn’t cover in the course, you can do some research to see how that species has been studied by animal cognition scientists! After reading the five articles, you will make 4 slides (20 slides total).
Slide 1 = On this slide, show me how to do the study that you read. Summarize their methods in your own words.
Slide 2 = On this slide, show me their data. Summarize the results from the study you read in your own words.
Slide 3 = On this slide, tell me what you thought of the study you read. What impressed you? What would you have done differently? What ideas do you have for a future study?
Slide 4 = Provide the APA citation for the paper.
Download an unformatted PowerPoint template for Option 2
. You only need to fill in the required information. You are welcome to change any of the formatting. However, you will be evaluated on content, not on design.
The journal Animal Cognition is Open Access. All articles in this journal are free to download without logging into the FIU library. Note for everyone:
All students have access to Microsoft PowerPoint from FIU. If you use another software program for your slide deck, you must make sure you have enabled permission for Dr. Nelson to view the file. If you submit something other than a slide deck, you will earn an “0”.


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEntry #1 Methods
2 to >1.0 pts
1 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEntry #1 Results
2 to >1.0 pts
1 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEntry #1 Reflection
2 to >1.0 pts
1 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEntry #2 Methods
2 to >1.0 pts
1 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEntry #2 Results
2 to >1.0 pts
1 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEntry #2 Reflection
2 to >1.0 pts
1 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEntry #3 Methods
2 to >1.0 pts
1 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEntry #3 Results
2 to >1.0 pts
1 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEntry #3 Reflection
2 to >1.0 pts
1 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEntry #4 Methods
2 to >1.0 pts
1 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEntry #4 Results
2 to >1.0 pts
1 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEntry #4 Reflection
2 to >1.0 pts
1 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEntry #5 Methods
2 to >1.0 pts
1 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEntry #5 Results
2 to >1.0 pts
1 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEntry #5 Reflection
2 to >1.0 pts
1 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement

2 pts

Total Points: 30