3.5 Discussion: Record and Post Your Podcast and Analyze a Peer’s Podcast 55 unr

3.5 Discussion: Record and Post Your Podcast and Analyze a Peer’s Podcast
55 unr

3.5 Discussion: Record and Post Your Podcast and Analyze a Peer’s Podcast
55 unread replies.55 replies.
Recording your podcast will give you the opportunity to fully experience the podcast process. Analyzing a classmate’s podcast will give you the opportunity to gain additional practice in analysis and to enjoy the creativity of your classmates.
Recording and Post Your Podcast
The following tips will help you record and post your podcast. Read the tips and then submit your finished podcast by posting to this Discussion.
Students will come to this assignment with different levels of comfort and expertise around the technology involved. Remember to use the technology you have on hand and with which you are most comfortable. Using either your mobile phone or the built-in Studio Recorder in Canvas, you can produce a quality broadcast.
General directions for using recording apps on your phone: Record Audio on a Mobile Phone.Links to an external site.
How to Record in Canvas Studio. Links to an external site.(Please note, for this assignment, you do not need to record video, so if your device does not have a webcam, that’s OK. If your device does have a webcam, just keep your webcam disabled and follow the directions in this tutorial. For audio only, you can select the “No Video” option for “Webcam”. )
Much can be done just with a computer, but it helps to have a few extra tools at your disposal. A microphone goes a long way toward sounding more professional, as well as helping to increase clarity and sound quality. Headphones are not necessary, but helpful. **Again, these are tips if you have the tools at your disposal. You are not being graded on the technology but on your podcast content.
Capture the audio recording under the best possible conditions. Choose a room with no or low echo that is as quiet as possible. Right now, worry about being clear
Include your soundbites in your recording. You can play the sound effects while you are recording or you can add cool effects later, if you have the time and expertise.
Bring your best voice. Consult this helpful tutorial from NPR: Aerobics for Your VoiceLinks to an external site. by Jessica Hansen.
Editing (Optional)
Editing your podcast is not required, but it could be fun if you have the technical expertise and/or interest in doing so. (Add sound effects, music, soundtrack, etc. after recording.)
Audio editing has become much easier and more accessible. A free editor is Audacity, which can be downloaded for free. All Mac computers come with GarageBand, which allows easy export to iTunes and the web. Search Google or YouTube for tutorials on how to use Audacity or GarageBand–there are plenty of free resources on the web which will walk you through how to use the software in a step-by-step manner.
Post Your Podcast
Putting your podcast up to share in class is part of the process, since sharing the content with the world is what podcasting is all about. For this reason, you will share your podcast with your classmates in this course by posting to this discussion.
Write a brief overview (2-3 sentences) of your own podcast.
Post your podcast and the overview to this Discussion. (Please note you will not be able to see others’ posts until you post your podcast.)
Make sure that your podcast is an MP3 or MP4 file before you share. If you need further directions, see uploading a Media file to a Discussion.Links to an external site.
Peer Reply
Review your peers’ podcasts and select ONE that you would like to analyze. Please give attention to podcasts which have not received replies yet so that we can include everyone in the activity.
Write a well-developed two paragraph analysis about the podcast. Your two paragraphs should be about 200 -250 words total.In the first paragraph, identify the podcast, the format and the topic. Then analyze and discuss how rhetorical appeals are used in the podcast.
In the second paragraph, analyze and discuss how 2 other elements of the podcast are used effectively. Consider factors such as audience, purpose, context, language and audio.
Provide clear and specific examples for each paragraph.
Select Reply on your peer’s posting and type your analysis in the text box beneath the original post.