1, no more than 2 pages: Resources: 1.) see attached Assignment Instructions Rea

1, no more than 2 pages: Resources: 1.) see attached Assignment Instructions Rea

1, no more than 2 pages: Resources: 1.) see attached Assignment Instructions Read the article for this case study, read it again looking for how Mr. Witherington uses the “resources” for thinking theologically in dealing with his tragedy. Think about how Mr. Witherington is using: the Bible, Christian tradition, experience, and reason. How is Witherington drawing on these “resources” as he works through his loss? Remember to only use the resources given for the assignment. For example, do not talk about traditions that a family might have or that are part of our culture. Rather, seek to understand how the author draws on or relies on the Christian tradition, the long and deep history of the faith, as he processes, understands, and deals with his grief. In a response paper of no less than 1 full page, and no more than 2 pages, address the following: Assess how Mr. Witherington is thinking theologically. Put quotation marks around statements taken word-for-word from the article. Note specific places where he uses one or more of those four sources explicitly (very plain and direct) and for where his use is implicit (implied, i.e., the underlying assumption of what he is saying). Your reflections on this case should involve practice in identifying the sources people are using when they think through and talk about life situations from a Christian Faith and Life perspective. Your reflections on this case should involve practice in identifying the sources people are using when they think through and talk about life situations from a Christian Faith and Life perspective.