Instructions: Step two of the research process is to find sources, evaluate thos

Instructions: Step two of the research process is to find sources, evaluate thos

Instructions: Step two of the research process is to find sources, evaluate those sources, and give credit to the authors of those sources. Find sources that are relevant to the topic you chose in Discussion 3. I have outlined an example; however, for additional guidance, see Readings 3.1 & Reading 3.6 in your textbook. Find five sources: three (3) database sources from Lonestar’s Research Database (i.e. books, magazines, journals) as well as two (2) Internet sources (i.e. .com, .org, .gov). List if each source is either primary or secondary Write an annotated bibliography: An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. Each annotated bibliography should contain a 3-5 sentence paragraph that discusses your search strategy and includes the title and names of the author(s). Example: Since I have narrowed my topic, and have consulted Lonestar’s database and the Internet, I found some of these possible sources: “Immigration in America” by Janice Liberowitz. This is a secondary source and is relevant and related to my topic because […]. Next, I found, “America’s Growing Menace: Illegal Immigrants” by Thomas Graydon. This source is a secondary source and is relevant and related to my topic because […]. Third, I found, “Do Corrective Effects Last? Results from a Longitudinal Experiment on Beliefs Toward Immigration in the U.S.” by Dustin Carnahan. This is a primary source and is relevant and related to my topic because […].