This will be a cause-and-effect research paper. The topic (Dred Scott Case) ust

This will be a cause-and-effect research paper. The topic (Dred Scott Case) ust

This will be a cause-and-effect research paper. The topic (Dred Scott Case) ust be related to the novel The Adventures of Huck Finn. You will be examining the causes and effects of your topic. You will need a minimum of EIGHT sources; FOUR of them must be primary sources. ALL of your sources must be from the digital library provided, print material, credible websites, films, documentaries, and personal interviews. You are not allowed to use google searches, or Wikipedia, or Youtube videos. Also: NO TEXTBOOKS OR LECTURE NOTES FROM A CLASS/TEACHER YOU ARE TAKING.
Link to the digital library:
Extra notes
Make sure to have all sources accurate and make sure they are from the correct websites. Be specific when writing and follow precisely what the format is asking for. Look at all the documents provided.
Examples of Primary Sources
Art or Artifacts
Audio Recordings
Editorial Cartoons
Government Documents
 Maps

Newspaper Articles
Video Recordings
 Written Documents