1_Title + subtitle, but in the form of a question, such as: Drugs. How do drugs

1_Title + subtitle, but in the form of a question, such as: Drugs. How do drugs

1_Title + subtitle, but in the form of a question, such as: Drugs. How do drugs affect society?
2_An answer to a question about the title in a useful sentence. I mean, there are no words.
3_The points or ideas we are talking about.
4_How they fit into our reality in society. It is always the same as the words in the picture.
5_ About who is talking or what it affects? Example: Drugs affect society, individuals, the world, and everything in detail.
6_ We write the topic, and at the beginning we write from our own understanding of the first sentence, as if we were explaining it, and there must be examples of it, and we must not copy and paste exactly. We change it to be a summary, and if we answer a statement, we put it in parentheses and make it short so that the rate of fraud does not appear high, and we try to support it with numbers, ratios, dates, differences, and why. At the end of each paragraph, we must write where we got the research from and who said it and spoke about it (noun). From books + history) and they must be approximately 3 to 7 paragraphs so that the speech is 1500 to 5000 words, and the last thing we write is the conclusion of the entire topic.
7_ References and they must be in one form, I think (name + date + link + book name + page number) because It always needs a specific form, and there is a site where we enter paragraph by paragraph of the statement and the reference appears to us in the form of a prophet, but I don’t know what it is. What is it to set? This makes it easier for us. Is anything because he gives it to us ready…The whole topic is about drugs.