Imagine you are a student teacher. Your supervising teacher wants you to observe

Imagine you are a student teacher. Your supervising teacher wants you to observe

Imagine you are a student teacher. Your supervising teacher wants you to observe and reflect on how a practicing teacher creates a positive classroom that includes respect and promotes learning and engagement. You have planned to observe an elementary or secondary-level teacher that will focus on engagement and classroom climate. Your tasks will be to: Conduct your classroom observation concentrating on engagement and classroom climate. Record your observation hours in My Time Log. For more information on the number of and how to record your hours, review the My Time Log resources in your program handbook. Write a detailed 525- to 700-word reflection about your observation that includes, but is not limited to, the following questions and statements: How is the classroom organized? How does this organization strategy help with classroom management? How does the teacher create a positive classroom environment? Reflect on how the students and teacher interact with one another. How does the teacher use positive reinforcement? Provide examples. How does the teacher demonstrate, encourage, and model mutual respect for all students? Provide examples. How does the instruction address diverse learners’ knowledge, language, background, and development? In what way does the teacher link prior academic learning and/or experiences to the lesson? Provide examples. How does the teacher use effective questioning to engage students in inquiry, problem-solving, and reflection? Do lessons and materials address diverse cultures, backgrounds, or learning styles? How? Considering the lesson in its entirety, what would you do differently? Explain your reasoning. Consider the use of technology in the classroom. What technology resources, materials, and/or technology are used throughout the lesson that promote engagement, critical thinking, and self-evaluation, and connect lessons to real-world issues? Technology recommendations: If technology is not used, how could it be incorporated so that it is purposeful for the lesson and students? Provide specific examples of the types of technology. How could technology resources be used to motivate students and support them in their learning? How could the use of technology resources affect student engagement, responsibility, and accountability? How could technology resources be used to implement a system of positive recognition in the classroom? How might technology resources be used to create flexible learning environments that encourage, promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness? How might teachers promote the safe and ethical use of technology resources?