Rough Draft Due: 11:59pm, Sunday, February 18 Final Draft Due: Sunday, February

Rough Draft Due: 11:59pm, Sunday, February 18
Final Draft Due: Sunday, February

Rough Draft Due: 11:59pm, Sunday, February 18
Final Draft Due: Sunday, February 25, 11:59pm
The literacy narrative assignment asks you to investigate your past reading and writing experiences, and to share stories about moments and situations that shaped your trajectory as a reader and writer. Think about the different people and places that have influenced you as part of your literacy growth. Parents, teachers, mentors, and schools, or other institutions may have all played a role in how you engage with reading and/or writing. Then consider your history as a reader and writer. Ultimately, how have these experiences shaped your experience with reading and writing?
This writing assignment is worth 50 points, and must be turned in to pass the course.
Include your name, the title of the assignment, and the due date
Times New Roman; 12pt
One-inch margins
4 pages minimum
Possible Topics
Narrate an early memory about writing or reading that you recall vividly. Explain why this event is significant to you now.
Describe someone who taught you to read or write and explain this person’s significance in your life.
Identify a book or other text and explain its significance for you in your reading and writing.
Narrate an experience with a writing or reading task that you found (or still find) challenging.
Describe a memento and explain how it represents an important moment in your reading/writing development.
Choose your own (Come and talk to me about this one if you are interested)
Writing Tips
Create a story. Bring your narrative to life by using concrete and vivid details.
Develop your main idea (make sure you only have ONE).
Discuss the significance or effect of your experience
Use strong, complete, varied sentences
Organize your paragraphs in a logical way
State the main idea of your essay somewhere in your introduction, and then make certain that every supporting paragraph relates to and supports that main idea
Consider using dialogue between the characters in your narrative, if you feel comfortable
The week of 2/13 – 2/15 we will not have classes. Instead, we will have scheduled one-on-one conferences to discuss your paper. Bring a copy of your draft, notes, and whatever else you may need (including questions!) to discuss this project.