For your final essay, you have the choice to pick one of the fields of anthropol

For your final essay, you have the choice to pick one of the fields of anthropol

For your final essay, you have the choice to pick one of the fields of anthropology discussed in this course: Biological Anthropology, Archaeology, Linguistic Anthropology, and Cultural Anthropology
For your chosen essay, follow the instructions below:
Instructions: Answer the following questions in an essay format. The essay should have a minimum of 500 words (Max. 700 words). A good essay should consist of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Please pay attention to clarity, organization, and coherence. In writing your essay, please follow the questions presented in each essay choice as guidelines to organize your ideas. You can support your argument with maps, pictures, timelines, or and diagrams. However, figures must have a caption. The caption should include: the description of what are you presenting, a brief explanation of why you are using the figure, and reference (if you are taking it from another book or website). Submit your essays through Canvas by uploading your paper. If you have problems uploading your paper, talk to me, so I can find an alternative to upload the paper. ALL papers must be upload through Canvas to be evaluated by a plagiarism checker software.
Please, make sure to integrate anthropological terms, concepts, or module’s content into your essay! I want to see you applying the terms you learned so far.
Please proofread your paper and add word count. All papers will be reviewed for originality so make sure your work is original and with the proper references/citations according to your preferred writing citation guide. Integrate everything in an essay. Submit your essays through Canvas by uploading your paper. If you have problems uploading your paper, contact me before sending me your essay. Please proofread your paper and add word count. All papers must be reviewed with Turnitin, so make sure your work is original and with the proper references/citations according to your preferred writing citation guide.
Formats accepted: doc, docx, pdf
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I expect you to submit quality papers that are coherent and grammatically correct. I will deduct points for structural and grammatical errors. Do not wait until the last minute to write these papers. Ideally, you should be able to set the paper down for a day or two before reviewing the draft. You should always read your paper out loud before submitting it. In addition, you should have a colleague, friend, or classmate edit and proofread your papers. Do not rely on your computer’s spell-checker to catch your mistakes – they only catch a small percentage of your (not you’re, for example) proofreading mistakes!
Grammar and Structure: In addition, you must present a clear, well-articulated, grammatically correct paper. I will deduct points for lack of clarity, transitions, flow, and spelling mistakes. You need to make sure that you connect all of your main points and show the relationships between concepts. This is a fundamental writing skill, paramount to analytical writing and arguments. You should always ask a peer to proofread your paper and you should read your own paper out loud to catch errors.
Double-spaced please! Please include your name, the title of the assignment and the date. Include the number of words in your paper. Do not submit documents through the comment section of the assignment, only through the main link to submit the essays. Please use double space.
I expect at least three sources of information. Scholarly resources are preferred, however because this is a semi-formal essay to see how you apply the class concepts in a written context by researching an anthropological topic, you can use information from journals textbooks, specialized books, and web sources. When using web sources use pages from universities, institutions (e.g. Smithsonian) or researchers that have a good knowledge about the topic. Use your judgement or ask me in case of doubt. You can always use sources like Wikipedia to guide you through resources(check the bibliography in Wikipedia articles: usually they are some scholarly resources there) and in your brainstorming process, but do not use it as your main source of information. Visit your library!! Have fun looking for information! Include your references with your paper!!
You can use your favorite citation style as long as you are consistent using it.