Describe the company, its aircraft fleet, number of employees, and route structu

Describe the company, its aircraft fleet, number of employees, and route structu

Describe the company, its aircraft fleet, number of employees, and route structure, or if the company has no established route structure, describe the geographic area or areas served.
Determine whether the air cargo carrier is organized as a corporation with private ownership or is owned by the national government.
Determine whether the carrier is a member of any international or regional association(s) representing the interests of such carriers.
Identify the governmental agency or authority responsible for regulating the safety of the carrier’s flight operations in its home nation.
Specify the certification requirements, including minimum flight time, if any, for its flight deck crewmembers and loadmasters in the airline’s home nation.
Determine the extent to which the airline’s fleet consists of owned vs. leased aircraft.
Identify and describe all accidents (as defined by the NTSB) involving an aircraft operated by that carrier since January 1, 2012, including the probable cause of each occurrence.
Determine whether the company’s pilots and maintenance personnel based in the company’s home nation are represented by a labor union or unions, and identify and describe any strike activity that may have disrupted the airline’s operations since January 1, 2012

Posted in Law