Services Marketing Positioning Discussion 1. Identify 1 Service related to Trave

Services Marketing Positioning Discussion
1. Identify 1 Service related to Trave

Services Marketing Positioning Discussion
1. Identify 1 Service related to Travel.
2.What specific service problem does the travel service overcome for the customer? What are the service attributes?
3. How does this service Position (create an image in the consumer’s mind) itself? If you were going to create a positioning statement, what would it be?
4. What is unique about this service compared to the competitors? How does their positioning help create differentiation of their product in the market? (Be specific)
5. Include a specific advertisement, direct marketing, a social media post, press release, etc… that demonstrates their positioning. How does this ad emphasize the positioning of the travel service? Point out specific attributes of the ad that demonstrate the positioning discussed. (Be specific)