Video to watch Read entire prompt b

Video to watch

Read entire prompt b

Video to watch

Read entire prompt before beginning:
Watch the entire video clip on the ballet The Green Table by choreographer Kurt Jooss.
You will be writing a three paragraph critique on the ballet The Green Table which is also subtitled “A Dance of Death in Eight Scenes” which includes The Gentlemen in Black, The Farewells, The Battle, The Refugees, The Partisan, The Brothel, The Aftermath and then the return of The Gentlemen in Black. Use only these titles and if you are not sure what the word in the title means, look it up. Do not research this ballet, your critique should be formed by the movements in the ballet and what we have learned in class. No need for time stamps in this situation, instead, use vivid descriptions of the movements in each section to support your analysis. Heavy/intellectual analysis without the descriptions showing evidence of viewing the ballet will not be given credit so be sure to describe the ballet to the reader. Papers are checked for Plagiarism, AI, Chat and must sound human and be well described.
The first paragraph: Introduction-This paragraph should introduce the ballet (key players) and state what you feel the choreographer was trying to communicate. Three to five sentences will suffice.
The second paragraph should describe the first 4 sections including the name of the section, vivid descriptions of the dance (and dancer’s movements and facial expressions/emotions) followed by your analysis of each section (two to three sentences per section is sufficient.)
The third paragraph should describe the last 4 sections including the name of the section, vivid descriptions of the dance (and dancer’s movements and facial expressions/emotions) followed by your analysis of each section (again two to three sentences per section is sufficient.)
In addition, include in the paper (you may decide where but do not exceed the three paragraphs) the choreographer’s use of the skeleton character and what you think he represents as well as the top hat character in the white shirt and black pants and what he represents in the ballet. Both characters weave in and out of the ballet.
Include a short one or two sentence conclusion at the end of the third paragraph and proofread your paper for proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization and spelling. Make sure you have reviewed the power point and read the article on writing critiques as well as the module on the key players in one of our first modules before you write your paper. You may also want to review comments from myself on your writing in the discussion posts for optimal success.
I have also provided time stamps for the different sections of the ballet to help with your critique. The titles are also available in the prompt above and go in order:
Start times:
Gentlemen in Black 0:00
The Farewells-5:35
The Battle-9:54
The Refugees- 14:34
The Partisan-19:48
The Brothel- 22:52
The Aftermath-27 min mark
Gentlemen in Black 33:42