One current problem that highlights the importance of critical thinking is the d

One current problem that highlights the importance of critical thinking is the d

One current problem that highlights the importance of critical thinking is the debate over the impact of social media on mental health. This topic interests me because social media is a huge part of daily life for many, including myself. I already know that there are arguments on both sides: some say social media can cause anxiety, depression, and loneliness, while others argue it can foster connection and support. To better understand this issue, I need to find out how extensive the negative and positive impacts are and what specific aspects of social media contribute to these effects. This will require research into recent studies and statistics on social media use and mental health outcomes. I will look for peer-reviewed articles, expert opinions, and credible news sources. Social media can be closely related to critical thinking in several ways. Evaluating Information: Social media is flooded with information, but not all of it is accurate or reliable. Critical thinking helps users assess the credibility of sources, differentiate between fact and opinion, and identify misinformation or biased content. Understanding Bias: Social media platforms often use algorithms that show users content based on their previous interactions, creating echo chambers. Critical thinking enables users to recognize these biases and seek diverse viewpoints to form a well-rounded understanding of issues. Making Informed Decisions: Whether it’s choosing which news to trust or deciding how to respond to a contentious post, critical thinking helps users analyze the situation, consider the consequences, and make informed decisions rather than reacting impulsively.
Tentative title for your essay
Thesis, an arguable statement. Summary of your argument, which may repeat the explanations from your first proposal, may be an outline of your anticipated points/examples or may be an introduction that you’ve already started drafting. Annotated bibliography with at least SIX sources that you have already evaluated or that you plan to complete. Total of 1000+ words, including the annotated bibliography. The annotations, which should be about a paragraph each, will be the bulk of your word count.

The essay should cover discuss and analysis the following issues in the novel: A

The essay should cover discuss and analysis the following issues in the novel:

The essay should cover discuss and analysis the following issues in the novel:
A comprehensive thematic analysis of the novel, elucidating the message the author endeavors to convey to their readers/audience.
Biographical details about the author, exploring the aspects of their life that influenced the creation of the novel.
Historical context pertaining to the time period in which the novel was penned, shedding light on the societal backdrop during the author’s writing.
These three section should serve as the primary headings in the outline, and constituting the body of your essay.
The essay should feature a well-organized introduction, body, and conclusion, with the outline mirroring this structure.
Given that this is a sentence outline, each paragraph/section of the essay should be represented by a complete and meaningful sentence.
The outline must commence with the thesis statement of the essay.
Each section should include:
A sentence elucidating the topic of each body paragraph.
A compilation of sources to be utilized in supporting the topic of each paragraph.
Avoid incorporating quotations within the outline, and refrain from including the Works Cited page at this stage; it will be included in the final essay.
Novel: “1984”-George Orwell
Attached is a copy of the Annotated Bibliography that you can go off of.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out. Thanks.



Please use Formal Writing and Standard English. Please do 2 paragraphs.
Use only textual evidence with direct quotes and examples from text to support your analysis (by line number). The line number is inside of the Writing – Textual Analysis of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Thank you very much!
Complete the form, then choose the appropriate button at the bottom.
Writing – Textual Analysis of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Number of resubmissions allowed
Not Started
Grade Scale
Points (max 100.0)
Modified by instructor
May 13, 2020 5:00 PM
collapse Assignment Instructions
Your Task: Closely read the attached excerpt from L. Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Write a well-developed, text-based response of two to three paragraphs. In your response, identify a central idea in the text and analyze how the author uses one literary technique or literary element to develop a central idea. Do not simply summarize the text. Use strong and thoughtful textual evidence to support your analysis.
Identify a central idea or theme in the text.
Pick one literary element or literary technique used by the author. Analyze how the author uses this strategy to develop this central idea or theme. Examples of strategies include: characterization, conflict, denotation/connotation, metaphor, simile, irony, language use, point-of-view, setting, structure, symbolism, theme, tone, etc.
Use textual evidence with direct quotes and examples from text to support your analysis (by line number).
Organize your ideas
Maintain a formal style of writing
Follow the conventions of standard written English
Additional resources for assignment
File attachment Writing – Textual Analysis of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.pdf ( 211 KB; May 13, 2020 5:00 pm )
Superior Command Strong Command Adequate Command Partial Command Limited Command Inadequate Command Not Demonstrated
Content and Organization Opening and closing. Opening and closing. Generally has opening and/or closing. May lack opening and/or closing. May lack opening and/or closing. May lack opening and/or closing. Does not meet expectations.
Single, distinct focus. Unified and coherent. Well-developed. Single focus. Sense of unity and coherence. Key ideas developed. Single focus. Usually has single focus. Attempts to focus. May drift or shift focus. Minimal response to topic; uncertain focus. Does not meet expectations.
Logical progression of ideas. Compositional risks successful. Fluent, cohesive. Logical progression of ideas. Moderately fluent. Attempts compositional risks. Ideas loosely connected. Transitions evident. Some lapses or flaws in organization. May lack some transitions between ideas. Attempts organization. Few, if any transitions between ideas. No planning evident; disorganized. Does not meet expectations.
Details effective, vivid, explicit, and/or pertinent. Details appropriate and varied. Uneven development of details. Repetitious details. Several unelaborated details. Details lack elaboration. Details random, inappropriate, or barely apparent. Does not meet expectations.
Usage Very few, if any, errors. Few errors. Some errors that do not interfere with meaning. Errors/patterns of errors may be evident. Numerous errors. No apparent control. Severe/numerous errors. Does not meet expectations.
Sentence Construction Precision and/or sophistication. Very few, if any, errors. Variety in syntax appropriate and effective. Few errors. Some variety. Generally correct. Little variety in syntax. Some errors. Excessive monotony/same structure. Numerous errors. Assortment of incomplete and/or incorrect sentences. Does not meet expectations.
Mechanics Very few, if any, errors. Few errors. No consistent pattern of errors. Some errors that do not interfere with meaning. Patterns of errors evident. Numerous serious errors. Errors so severe they detract from meaning. Does not meet expectations.
Organize your ideas
Assignment – In progress
Complete the form, then choose the appropriate button at the bottom.
Writing – Textual Analysis of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Number of resubmissions allowed
Not Started
Grade Scale
Points (max 100.0)
Modified by instructor
May 13, 2020 5:00 PM
collapse Assignment Instructions
Your Task: Closely read the attached excerpt from L. Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Write a well-developed, text-based response of two to three paragraphs. In your response, identify a central idea in the text and analyze how the author uses one literary technique or literary element to develop a central idea. Do not simply summarize the text. Use strong and thoughtful textual evidence to support your analysis.
Identify a central idea or theme in the text.
Pick one literary element or literary technique used by the author. Analyze how the author uses this strategy to develop this central idea or theme. Examples of strategies include: characterization, conflict, denotation/connotation, metaphor, simile, irony, language use, point-of-view, setting, structure, symbolism, theme, tone, etc.
Use textual evidence with direct quotes and examples from text to support your analysis (by line number).
Organize your ideas
Maintain a formal style of writing
Follow the conventions of standard written English
Additional resources for assignment
File attachment Writing – Textual Analysis of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.pdf ( 211 KB; May 13, 2020 5:00 pm )
Superior Command Strong Command Adequate Command Partial Command Limited Command Inadequate Command Not Demonstrated
Content and Organization Opening and closing. Opening and closing. Generally has opening and/or closing. May lack opening and/or closing. May lack opening and/or closing. May lack opening and/or closing. Does not meet expectations.
Single, distinct focus. Unified and coherent. Well-developed. Single focus. Sense of unity and coherence. Key ideas developed. Single focus. Usually has single focus. Attempts to focus. May drift or shift focus. Minimal response to topic; uncertain focus. Does not meet expectations.
Logical progression of ideas. Compositional risks successful. Fluent, cohesive. Logical progression of ideas. Moderately fluent. Attempts compositional risks. Ideas loosely connected. Transitions evident. Some lapses or flaws in organization. May lack some transitions between ideas. Attempts organization. Few, if any transitions between ideas. No planning evident; disorganized. Does not meet expectations.
Details effective, vivid, explicit, and/or pertinent. Details appropriate and varied. Uneven development of details. Repetitious details. Several unelaborated details. Details lack elaboration. Details random, inappropriate, or barely apparent. Does not meet expectations.
Usage Very few, if any, errors. Few errors. Some errors that do not interfere with meaning. Errors/patterns of errors may be evident. Numerous errors. No apparent control. Severe/numerous errors. Does not meet expectations.
Sentence Construction Precision and/or sophistication. Very few, if any, errors. Variety in syntax appropriate and effective. Few errors. Some variety. Generally correct. Little variety in syntax. Some errors. Excessive monotony/same structure. Numerous errors. Assortment of incomplete and/or incorrect sentences. Does not meet expectations.
Mechanics Very few, if any, errors. Few errors. No consistent pattern of errors. Some errors that do not interfere with meaning. Patterns of errors evident. Numerous serious errors. Errors so severe they detract from meaning. Does not meet expectations.

Evaluate NCAA president Charlie Baker’s “State of College Sports” speech at this

Evaluate NCAA president Charlie Baker’s “State of College Sports” speech at this

Evaluate NCAA president Charlie Baker’s “State of College Sports” speech at this year’s NCAA Convention. Based on your analysis of his rhetoric (i.e. his purpose and methods), do you think Baker makes an effective argument? Use at least TWO of our recent articles (any of our NCAA updates, Branch’s “The Shame of College Sports”) to support your position.
Demonstrated understanding of the articles
Analytical thesis that responds to the question(s)
Accurate rhetorical terms
Well-organized and appropriately cited evidence to support each point
Clear, cohesive writing style, including accurate quotations
Approx. 1000 words (3-4 double-spaced pages)
Be sure to cite your sources! Your essay will need a works cited page and in-text citations. the MLA website, the Purdue OWL (e.g. works cited pages and in-text citations.
Develop a cohesive argument about our latest topic: college sports and the NCAA system. Refer to our rhetorical terms to analyze the texts (not just what is argued but how that argument is constructed) and to support your points.

Oral storytelling is a rich tradition that has existed for centuries. For people

Oral storytelling is a rich tradition that has existed for centuries. For people

Oral storytelling is a rich tradition that has existed for centuries. For people who did not know how to read or write, oral storytelling was a way to pass down information from generation to generation. These stories varied in purpose ranging from entertainment to teaching about culture and history. Oral stories about history, genealogy, battles, and political uprisings of a community could last hours or days. Oral traditions provide a moral compass from which social and human interactions gain direction. Fables, folktales, legends, and myths are all part of that oral tradition. Each of these types of oral stories has distinguishing properties to help identify them. For example, a fable is defined as a short story, not founded on fact, used to teach a lesson or moral, often using animals or inanimate objects as the characters.
The importance of the parables can hardly be overestimated. They comprise a substantial part of the recorded preaching of Jesus. The parables are generally regarded by scholars as among the sayings which we can confidently ascribe to the historical Jesus; they are, for the most part, authentic words of Jesus. Moreover, all of the great themes of Jesus’ preaching are struck in the parables. Perhaps no part of the Gospels, then, can better put us into touch with the mind of Jesus Christ than the parables. They still today present us with the challenge with which Jesus encountered his hearers in first-century Palestine. These little stories (together with the Lord’s Prayer and the Beatitudes) are the best known of all Jesus’ words. It is a measure of the value that Christian Churches place upon them..
Answer the prompt below:
Parables and fables have been around for ages, but their purposes have stayed the same. They are used in a didactic sense: storytelling is meant to teach a lesson. Only the medium has changed. While both started out as oral traditions, they have since been added to our literature. Today, most of them are used to help teach still-developing children morals and ethics that society holds valuable. Which would use you to teach morality and ethics, Fables or Parables, and why?
This journal entry must be submitted as a Word Doc (points will be taken off if not), consist of a minimum of 1,500 words, in 1-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, and using at least one outside, cited academic source. It should express your own specific opinion on what we have read. These journal entries will be checked for plagiarism – please review the plagiarism section. The grade for each paper will take into consideration not only the content of the argument but also the precision of the writing, so each piece needs to be carefully proofread before it is submitted.

Video to watch Read entire prompt b

Video to watch

Read entire prompt b

Video to watch

Read entire prompt before beginning:
Watch the entire video clip on the ballet The Green Table by choreographer Kurt Jooss.
You will be writing a three paragraph critique on the ballet The Green Table which is also subtitled “A Dance of Death in Eight Scenes” which includes The Gentlemen in Black, The Farewells, The Battle, The Refugees, The Partisan, The Brothel, The Aftermath and then the return of The Gentlemen in Black. Use only these titles and if you are not sure what the word in the title means, look it up. Do not research this ballet, your critique should be formed by the movements in the ballet and what we have learned in class. No need for time stamps in this situation, instead, use vivid descriptions of the movements in each section to support your analysis. Heavy/intellectual analysis without the descriptions showing evidence of viewing the ballet will not be given credit so be sure to describe the ballet to the reader. Papers are checked for Plagiarism, AI, Chat and must sound human and be well described.
The first paragraph: Introduction-This paragraph should introduce the ballet (key players) and state what you feel the choreographer was trying to communicate. Three to five sentences will suffice.
The second paragraph should describe the first 4 sections including the name of the section, vivid descriptions of the dance (and dancer’s movements and facial expressions/emotions) followed by your analysis of each section (two to three sentences per section is sufficient.)
The third paragraph should describe the last 4 sections including the name of the section, vivid descriptions of the dance (and dancer’s movements and facial expressions/emotions) followed by your analysis of each section (again two to three sentences per section is sufficient.)
In addition, include in the paper (you may decide where but do not exceed the three paragraphs) the choreographer’s use of the skeleton character and what you think he represents as well as the top hat character in the white shirt and black pants and what he represents in the ballet. Both characters weave in and out of the ballet.
Include a short one or two sentence conclusion at the end of the third paragraph and proofread your paper for proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization and spelling. Make sure you have reviewed the power point and read the article on writing critiques as well as the module on the key players in one of our first modules before you write your paper. You may also want to review comments from myself on your writing in the discussion posts for optimal success.
I have also provided time stamps for the different sections of the ballet to help with your critique. The titles are also available in the prompt above and go in order:
Start times:
Gentlemen in Black 0:00
The Farewells-5:35
The Battle-9:54
The Refugees- 14:34
The Partisan-19:48
The Brothel- 22:52
The Aftermath-27 min mark
Gentlemen in Black 33:42

Identify and research an individual who is successful (one who has achieved mas

Identify and research an individual who is successful (one who has achieved mas

Identify and research an individual who is successful (one who has achieved mastery, not just fleeting fame) in a particular field. In your discussion of this successful person you will decide which principles Gladwell talks about impacted that outlier’s success:
1a. The Matthew Effect–hidden advantages/extraordinary opportunities (Chapter 1)
1b. The Matthew Effect–accumulated advantages (Chapter 1)
2. 10,000 hours of meaningful work in order to become a master/expert in one’s field (Chapter 2)
3. Advantageous era of birth–right age at the right time (Chapter 2 and 5)
4. The ability to express to someone what one wants & being heard – “practical intelligence” (Chapter 4 P. 101-108)
5. Born in a demographic trough- not a lot of people so more opportunities for success (Chapter 5)
6. Exposure to meaningful work- autonomy, complexity, and effort/reward (Chapter 5)
7. Cultural practices which encouraged success- support from family/mentors encourage success (Chapters 6-9)
Your thesis should be a statement that clearly develops which of Gladwell’s principles apply to this person. There will be more than one category that applies. MLA documentation should be used for all researched sources. A potential paper will look like this:
I. Intro: Using some sort of introductory element [fact, statistic, question(s), anecdote, etc.] introduce your successful person. In the thesis, state which of Gladwell’s principles for success apply to your outlier.
II. Body paragraphs. Support your position using at least THREE different principles from the other side of this paper – TATE / ATE your paragraphs in the following way:
T- Identify and define Gladwell’s principle you are applying to your Outlier.
A- Tie Gladwell’s principle to your outlier in a clear and specific way.
T- Use TEXT EVIDENCE from Outliers to provide support for your assertion and definition of the principle.
E- Elaborate on how your research proves Gladwell’s principle for your outlier
A- Make a claim about how your Outlier demonstrates this Gladwell principle in a clear and specific way.
T- Use OUTSIDE RESEARCH TEXTUAL SUPPORT to provide support for your assertion.
E- Elaborate on how your research proves Gladwell’s principle applies to your outlier.
III. Conclusion. Wrap up your paper by restating your thesis and reviewing your paper’s purpose. End with a “clincher” statement that drives your point home about how your Outlier achieved success due to these principles.
IV. Works Cited. Use the Purdue OWL website or other online source to create an MLA Format Works Cited Page.
Citation for book: Gladwell, Malcolm. Outliers: The Story of Success. Back Bay Books/Little, Brown, 2009.
Multimedia Presentation Requirements: Your presentation will cover the content of your paper including the way he/she has achieved success in his/her field (utilizing Gladwell’s principles for success), and a conclusion that includes how either society or yourself could improve going forward to achieve success.

If you directly cite information from outside sources please do so in correct ML

If you directly cite information from outside sources please do so in correct ML

If you directly cite information from outside sources please do so in correct MLA format (in-text citations and a reference list).
If you have questions about MLA format, please visit the Purdue OWL.
Define the literary period.
List 2 authors from this literary period.
List 3-5 events (historical, political, social, technological) that occurred during this time period and give a brief description of each.
Discuss how you believe a minimum of 1-2 of these events may have impacted.

Write a 150 word analysis that answers the following question- What does the Mis

Write a 150 word analysis that answers the following question-
What does the Mis

Write a 150 word analysis that answers the following question-
What does the Misfit mean with his final line, “She would have been a good woman. . . if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life”?
A minimum of one (1) Figurative/Connotative Device found in the work should be mentioned. Include a minimum of one (1) quote from the work with author name/page number reference in parentheses following the quote. Make sure you use MLA format. Make sure you include a works cited page.