Your initial discussion thread is due to respond to your classmates. Your grade

Your initial discussion thread is due to respond to your classmates. Your grade

Your initial discussion thread is due to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.
Discovering Workplace Needs in Our Followers [WLO: 2] [CLOs: 2, 3]
| Prepare
Prior to working on this discussion,
Review Section 4.2 of Motivational Processes Download Motivational Processes.
Review What Affiliation Motivation Has to Do With Remote Work CultureLinks to an external site..
Review Promoting the Underestimated: A Vignette Study on the Importance of the Need For Affiliation to Successful LeadershipLinks to an external site..
For this discussion, you will evaluate a leader either in your current or previous occupation, your family, or your community.
| Write
In an initial post of at least 250 words,
Provide background and context information on your selected leader.
Include information such as their current position, length of time in their position, and an estimate of their primary leadership style (authoritarian, democratic, laissez-faire, transactional, transformational, or servant leadership).
Utilize McClelland’s Needs Theory as a guide to determine the primary drivers, relating to a need for power, a need for affiliation, or a need for achievement in your selected leader.
Use the link provided here to take McClelland’s Human Motivations TheoryLinks to an external site. quiz to help with the selection of your primary drivers. This will help you understand the drivers as you identify the ones your leader is using. Make a note of your results, as they will assist you with the Week 2 Assignment.
Provide examples that highlight your selection of your leader’s primary drivers.
Identify if your leader’s drivers impact their leadership effectiveness. Give examples of your assessment.
| Guided Response
Review several of your classmates’ posts and welcome at least three of your peers on at least two separate days by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. In your replies to classmates,
Differentiate key similarities or differences in your peer’s leaders’ primary drivers and the impact of those drivers on leadership effectiveness.
Provide one to two additional insights or counterpoints, or share research to build on the discussion.
| Competencies Learned
This activity helps you develop the following leadership skills:
Employee motivation
Influencing others
after taking the McClelland’s human motivations theory quiz it showed i was “affiliation” vs achievement or power.